Daily Routine of Platonic Yandere Maximoff Twins x Reader

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Requested by @anathestoryteller and I hope you enjoy :) 

Mornings: You'd wake up to both of the Maximoff twins, Pietro and Wanda snuggled with you really closely and their arms wrapped around you protectively, like they're protecting you from whatever is about to come through the door in the middle of the night. Basically, you're wrapped in a sandwich hug between them. Wanda would wake up earlier than the both of you and she'll softly kiss you on the cheek as a way of saying good morning and she'll hug her brother as well as she freshens up and prepares breakfast for you all. Sometimes she'll make you your favorite food but she also makes sure to cook healthy food for you both as well. She knows Pietro wouldn't exactly be helpful when it comes to the food department, he has too much of a soft spot for you and he'll happily indulge you in anything and everything you want, even if it's not exactly healthy. Wanda doesn't want you clogging up your arteries and heart so she makes sure to prepare a delicious and nutritious breakfast for you both. Pietro will wake up before you and smile at you sleeping, thinking about how cute you look and he's about to stare at you sleep till he remembered you throwing a pillow at him and telling him not to do that as you both will join Wanda for breakfast and will discuss random miscellaneous things 

Afternoons: The afternoons usually depend on whether or not they have work. If they have work, one of them will most certainly be with you at home since they're worried you'll either hurt yourself with something or some villains or criminals or even HDYRA agents might target you and take you away from them, which is their biggest fear. They loved you like a sibling, they saw you as one of their own and no way in HELL are they going to just stand by and allow something to happen to you. Even with all the security and Wanda's magic guarding you against any potential threats, and yes, sadly that even includes the knives in the kitchen as well since you could cut yourself accidentally when you try to cook. You are also very rarely allowed to enter the kitchen as well and all the snacks that you need are either kept outside for you or one of them, whoever stays with you in the house while the other's at work will give you whatever yo need. And when they don't have work, you guys will be chilling either at home doing something like playing a board game or you guys will go out like at an amusement park. They won't let you on any of the dangerous rides there though, they're scared of the maintenance of the equipment and you'll fall off to your imminent death or something. Paranoid to a whole different level 

Evenings: You guys will either spend your time either at home doing something peaceful like reading books or you'll go out like to watch a movie or hang out at that cafe you've always been wanting to go to. Sometimes you guys will even visit the Avengers Compound and will hang around there till it's time for dinner. You'll have dinner with the rest of the Avengers and then it'll be time to go but Wanda and Pietro won't let you sit next to Tony AT ALL, come what may. They just aren't really fond of him and his slick charming personality of being able to steal you away from them. Tony even joked about that and Wanda used her magic to mess with his mind. Evening times are also the best times for cuddle sessions between the three of you, so you can say goodbye to your work because once they get in the mood for cuddling, you're a goner. No, you are, seriously. You'll be sandwiched between them, both of them hugging you and clinging on to you as you both talk about your day. Pietro will even make something nice and hot to drink, like tea or hot chocolate 

Nights: Wanda will make sure you both get an adequate amount of rest and sleep through the night because let's face it, if she wasn't there with you both, you both would waste the night away playing video games and looking like sleep deprived owls the next morning. Even after something like 10 glasses of coffee with a concerning amount of caffeine. Sometimes you three will go star gazing and Wanda will perform some tricks with her magic to impress you and Pietro, not wanting to be left out, will be doing his own tricks too. Both of them just want to hear you compliment them, they really like it a LOT. It'll soon be time for dinner and then it's off to bed with these two clinging twins acting like koalas through the entire night 

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