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Requested by @cloudsaresopretty and yes, you're absolutely right, everyone deserves love no matter which part of the world they belong to, their orientation, race, illnesses etc. etc. You are beautiful and awesome the way you are kings, queens and royalty :) Keep your chin up and keep rocking💖👑And thank you so much for liking my work, it really means a lot to me :) 

If you think they don't know about this particular trait of yours you're sorely mistaken. They are obsessive about you and MADLY in love with you so it's only natural for them to act like complete stalkers and find out more about you come what may(I say this with sarcasm). The first time they met you was when Nick Fury had sent the Avengers back of you to keep an eye on you since Nick knew you had magic and you were also chaotic and wild as the wind, unable to be tamed. So he feared you'd end up doing something to harm people and he wanted the Avengers to recruit you so you'd be under their constant attention and surveillance 

When the Avengers came to where you were, you were shooting magic balls at the sky and sometimes making it rain, making huge snowballs fall from the sky while you were standing on the roof of a building and you were getting an immense thrill and pleasure from doing it. But you soon got bored and when you saw the Avengers, you waved at them cheekily and yelled "CATCH ME IF YOU CAN!" and ran off, most of them cursing under their breath as they tried to follow you. Steve, obviously having a bit more sense than most of them in the group thought that there might be a reason as to why you're acting like this and made a mental note to himself to ask you about it later. Bucky on the other hand was already captivated by you, you were so beautiful and full of power and chaos, you were like a beautiful flame. Good to look at and destructive at the same time 

You were soon captured by the Avengers and you huffed slightly and when you were in the interrogation room, you nervously fidgeted when Steve was asking you questions, he noticed that you've been shaking your leg for the past 10 minutes. He tried to put on a kind smile to make you lose your nervousness and he gently spoke "Y/N, please don't be nervous, we only want to talk, that's all'' but you looked at him in surprise and a bit impressed as you were nervous, you didn't know how he knew that. You asked him how he knew whether or not you were nervous and he pointed at you shaking your leg and you huffed out and chuckled and replied that it was an old habit of yours, you had ADHD but the bright side was, it strengthened your capacity to fight in a battle and sharpen your senses

You soon joined the Avengers and they all soon grew to like you. Yes, at first people like Tony and Rhodey were apprehensive about you joining since you were powerful and yet so wildly chaotic but Bucky and Steve rushed to your defense at once, defending you from whoever had anything to say about you. Both of them looked at each other in confusion for a moment till they had a silent agreement between them, they both liked you and grew fond of you and your antics. You were close to Bucky and Steve since they were more... calm out of the other Avengers and they wanted to be beside you and as close to you as possible. Which was a good thing since you were always doing god knows what 

One time, you just went down to the grocery store and in literally less than 10 minutes, a freaking fire brigade had to be called and when Steve and Bucky immediately rushed to the scene to make sure you were all right, you just looked at them with an innocent look and muttered "Perhaps I shouldn't have used magic on stoves. That wasn't a good idea'' but surprisingly neither of them were mad at you. On the contrary, they were even MORE overprotective of you now. If you thought they weren't breathing down your neck and clinging to you before, they've increased it TENFOLD now

You've dragged them on some crazy and wild adventures and as much as they're having a jolly time being with you, you're giving them gray hairs sooner than expected for them with your wild and crazy antics. Steve is seriously considering restraining you in a straightjacket for a few days so you'd be safe and won't do anything but he knows you'll somehow manage to get out and escape. In other words, you were like a wild and untamed cat according to them and they had to be careful in approaching you so as to not scare you off. They don't mind your ADHD, they know it's not your fault and any time someone makes you feel self conscious of yourself, someone will be paying a visit to the hospital and it won't be either Steve or Bucky 

They don't mind that you don't pay attention to them sometimes, but it does kind of get awkward when Steve is busy rambling about something while cooking for you three and you're busy thinking about something else. Steve will just have a small smile on his face after he notices you didn't hear a word he said, not to worry, he'll tell you later and tell you it's all right as he kisses your cheek as Bucky is snickering to himself since you didn't listen to Steve which will result in Steve grumbling "Shut up Bucky'' 

They find your traits all of them, endearing and adorable so whenever you feel like a burden to them they'll assure you that you're not with lots of cuddles and forehead kisses and your favorite food as well. Maybe a nice movie wouldn't go amiss either. They want you to be yourself but at the same time, they also very much prefer it if you were in once piece so they'll try doing various activities with you to get your mind off doing dangerous and destructive stuff. And as for your magic, they'll have to do something about that as well, as much as they trust you, it's that magic of yours they don't trust. What if you end up hurting yourself? Like mentioned, they both love you very much and can't stand seeing you hurt. They're paranoid for your safety and will do whatever the hell it takes to make sure you're safe, even from yourself if needed 

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