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This is a fic I've got inspired to write after I saw a movie about Indian classical dance. And as a classical dancer myself for like, 6 years, I decided why not have a go? A brief introduction of classical dance before that though: There are various branches of classical dances like Bharatnatyam, Kuchipudi, Kathak and many more. There are a total of 8 classical dances or maybe more and they've originated from India. People can convey stories and messages through this type of dance with various hand expressions called 'Mudras' and their facial expressions, which are most integral in classical dance. An Arangetram is when a person first ascends the stage for giving a classical dance performance on their own, doing various dances they've learnt till date proving they've completed the course of classical dance and it's like a graduation ceremony. Lord Shiva is recognized as the god of dance because of his cosmic dance, the Shiv Tandav

You looked at the Lord Shiva statue that was at the corner and you folded your hands and silently hoped for success for this performance of yours. You were going to be giving the performance of your life, literally. And as you were lost in your thoughts, you didn't notice your friend Peter Parker sneak up on you from behind. He was just standing there, patiently waiting for you to turn back and when you did, you and him almost got a heart attack. You got surprised since he was just.... there all of a sudden so abrupt and he was surprised since you literally took his breath away with how you looked

You almost looked unrecognizable, it's a good thing you were wearing those anklets he bought you, he recognized it's sound in one go. Peter had no words for how dazzling and spellbound you looked. You looked like a divine goddess/ god who descended from the heavens above as he looked at you up and down, drinking in your mesmerizing beauty, unable to utter a word in front of you. The bun of flowers you had in your hair, the long ornaments worn by you, your makeup... it all made you look so irresistible and it was like he was shot with cupid's arrow all over again like how he was when he first met you

"Oh, hey I didn't see you there'' you smiled and he could swear, your smile made his heart burst into pieces with even more love and affection for you if it was even possible. "Wow.... Y/N, you.... you look'' he started with a faint blush creeping on his face and you nervously tugged your dress and you cut him off. "Yeah, yeah I know... I look weird'' you muttered and looked down sighing. In literally just a second, he could feel his heart breaking into pieces, why did you say that? What made you say something like that, who made you say it? Who did he have to take care of for daring to say something like that to his divine angel? He frowned at you and spoke "What? No... you look really beautiful.... you look divine....'' he murmured and his compliments made your heart warm with happiness

Just as you were about to talk with him, your teacher told you it was time for your performance and you had a few tears in your eyes as you thanked him for everything he's taught you so far and hugged him with gratitude. Peter felt a pang of jealousy stab his chest but he brushed it aside since he was your teacher and without him, you wouldn't be able to get this opportunity and chance. Peter and your teacher wished you all the best and went to take their seats as you made your way to the center of the stage, taking your place waiting for the curtains to draw open

You could feel everyone's eyes on you and you were starting to feel nervous again. Peter's, Ned's, MJ's, Betty's, your loved ones, your teacher, and other strangers who you didn't know. It was approximately 200 pairs of eyes on you. You danced away to the music although your nervousness in your chest didn't help. You were afraid of messing up and you remembered Peter's advice before your performance began. "Look at me Y/N, if you ever filled stressed or anxious... just look at me, I promise everything will be all right'' and you looked at him through most of your performance and Peter was thrilled. It was like you were dancing for him, solely and only for him, he clicked many pictures of you hoping to add them to his album of other photos he had of you later

After your first performance was done, your next one would take place with one of your friends from your dance academy. As soon as Peter saw you with your friend, he started scowling. Just WHO in the WORLD was he? And what was he doing with you? He was starting to become pissed and mad, who the hell was this random dude trying to steal his angels' spotlight on your big day? He gritted his teeth and sat through the entire performance but the literal last straw for him was when you leaned into his touch and put your arms around his neck as he put your arms around your waist. He felt like breaking that fool's hands for daring to even THINK of touching you

He tried to focus on your graceful like movements, you were like a swan and your folding and curling of your hands and the swift movement of your feet. It was like your dance had cast a spell on everyone there in the auditorium/ hall and everyone was mesmerized by your performance. The entire hall was quiet, a pin drop silence was observed as you danced. And Peter could relate on a personal level with the facial expressions you were making, from happy, to sad, to angry to love. Peter wanted to be selfish. He wanted you to dance only for him, not for anyone else in the world. At that moment, he felt like there was nothing between the two of your love, you were depicting a story through your dance and it was a story of love. And it was all just for him!

After your performance was done, he wanted to congratulate you and grab your hand and whisk you off away with him. He wanted you all for himself, his overwhelming sense of taking you for himself was getting to be uncontrollable. As he was about to make his way to you, you were surrounded by a swarm of people and your family telling you wonderfully you danced. Your parents were immensely proud of you, your teacher congratulated you and some people even told you were like the literal reincarnation of a goddess/ god whom you did the dance on. You started blushing at all those compliments you were getting and Peter smiled, he was happy to see you happy and that things went well. He wouldn't have missed your performance for the world, not even if people were selling limited edition Iron Man and the Avenger's collectibles

His blood boiled with rage when he saw your 'friend' touching your shoulder and telling you how wonderfully you danced. That was it. He reached his breaking point and he simply had to get you away from that 'friend' of yours, he couldn't tolerate seeing him with you any longer else he didn't know what he'd do. He made his way to you and took you outside the auditorium with him as he held your hands in his and spoke "Y/N, your performance was spell bounding. I can't even explain in words how.... mesmerizing and amazing it was'' he gushed and you could see literal heart shaped eyes when he was talking to you as you blushed at his compliments and thanked him

"I'd love it if you'd teach me dance sometime'' he smiled at you and you laughed "Thanks but I don't know if I'll be a good teacher'' and he smiled at you reassuringly and replied "Of course you'll be. You'll be a great teacher'' and the two of you stared at each other for a few moments in silence not saying anything. Then he leaned in closer to you and asked you if he could kiss you to which you replied 'Yes'. This was the exact moment he was waiting for since he met you, he slowly placed his lips on yours and gently kissed you with passion as he held your hand to his chest, where you could hear his heart beating at a loud and fast pace

"My divine angel.... you look so beautiful....I'm so proud of you'' he said after your kiss and tucked a strand of hair behind your ear. It was soon time for you to go home and Peter bade you a goodbye. He was sad to see you go, but it wouldn't be long till you'd become his forever, he had to start preparations for your homecoming immediately. And as for that annoying pest who dared to come in your spotlight, he'd get rid of him very very soon. Then you don't have to dance for other people, you can dance with him together, just like the couple you'd depicted in your dance....he was under the power of dance and he wasn't going to snap out of it anytime soon.....

Yeah, this must have sucked, I'm sorry TvT

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