Yandere Tony Stark Oneshot

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 I can see reader being a retired villain in this. You didn't really harm people to get what you wanted, you weren't a bad person and didn't really like the concept of harming someone. You preferred to stick with crimes that involved huge sums and amounts of cash instead

It all started when you first moved to New York. Your family wasn't doing so well in their business and no matter how hard you worked day in and day out, you could barely make enough to make ends meet for them. They tried to refuse your money telling you that you needed to use it for something useful or when the time comes in life but you wouldn't hear it. You were a good person with a kind heart, wanting to help others in need. You sent money to your family every month and lived a simple life

Till things couldn't go on like this anymore. Your patience at life in general was finally wearing down and growing thin and you really needed some urgent cash. You seriously considered robbing a bank at some point but there was still a bit of rationality left in you and you needed a clear headspace to think about your life in general so you decided to head to the park to calm yourself

Now, at the park the famous Tony Stark, New York's most influential person and was undergoing tedious interview with so many news reporters and he had no intention of answering their questions. He was tired, irritated and annoyed at all their questions and then he caught glimpse of you. You weren't even noticing him, you were just lost and busy in your own little world as you were looking at your phone and unbothered by his presence despite the excitement of most of the people around

He was intrigued by you. You didn't look at him and yet he was so curious about you already. Perhaps you didn't know he was there or you just didn't know who he was. No matter, he felt like introducing himself to you but to his dismay he saw you get up from the park's bench you were sitting on and you were heading in another direction. He didn't know why but his heart and mind told him not to let you out of his sight yet

He followed you and eventually after getting rid of the annoying reporters, he saw you heaving a huge sigh as you were standing in a cafe, trying to order some coffee but you didn't have the money to buy it at the moment. "Don't worry, it's on me'' he smiled at you and you turned back in surprise and stared at the stranger behind you as you nervously flushed and replied "It's all right Mr. Stark, you don't need to do this...'' you didn't like being in someone's debt, it always made you feel a bit uncomfortable

"Don't worry, you don't need to pay me back'' he smiled at you and paid for your coffee and you awkwardly thanked him for it. The least you could do was make some polite conversation after what he's done for you so you've done exactly that. Tony could tell you weren't like the others who're just after money and stuff, you were a genuinely nice person. After you were done making conversation with him, you politely told him you'd have to be on your way and he was left to the thoughts of you

Meanwhile your money problems seemed to be getting worse and you really needed to do something about it. After a few days you stumbled across an organized crime organization and you took to robbing stuff to hand it over to them and you earned some money for yourself. However after a few years the job was a bit dangerous for you and you had to leave if you still had the desire to remain in one piece, plus you really needed the break and vacation

During this time, you started dating tony Stark. Ever since then he couldn't get his mind off you after meeting you at the cafe where he saw you for the first time and he asked you out after a few more dates. You were nervous but yet you accepted and he thought he was dating a civilian, he had no idea he was dating one of the most wanted criminals in the city. His feelings for you spiraled out of control everyday and he started growing obsessed with you

He tried to find out more about you but you didn't tell him that you were having money problems since you felt a bit shy and embarrassed to do so. However one night, after you finally retired, Tony Stark had finally managed to find and locate who the 'Trickshot' (Your villain name) was and when he did, he was heartbroken. It was none other than you, perhaps he hasn't spoiled you enough, he didn't show you enough love. Somehow he thought all of this was his fault but at the same time he didn't really feel like confronting you about it at the moment

Don't worry, Iron man would save you from your troubles, all you have to do is trust him

I'm sorry this was complete and utter nonsense, I feel like my writing skills are decreasing by the day and I'm also kind of scared that I'm losing the motivation to write because of all these stupid exams and stuff and I'm so sorry for taking so long in posting stuff, I'm really trying my best here to post as much as I can

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