2. How does it feel to be dead?

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"You can drop the gun now" he said with his hands held out defensively.

"Yeah, right. Sorry, it's been a long day" he looked around her, she was covered in blood as well as dirt. He looked over the bodies of dead people surrounding her.

"Yeah... I can see that. I'm guessing that's not your blood" he said pointing to all the blood around her.

"I don't think so" she said furrowing her eyebrows.

"C'mon. Let's go home. You need a shower, maybe two" he said causing her a laugh "Do you have a plan?" She nodded.

"I'm gonna make sure my new abilities won't get the people I care about dead and then I will go from there" she explained.

"You have to work on that plan" he said while getting inside his jet.

"Yeah. I know" she breathed out. She sat on the floor and fall asleep almost immediately, exhausted by all the things that she had in her body and also all the fighting and killing. The next time she opened her eyes she was on a bed hospital, Shuri beside her.

"Nice to see you decided to join the live" she said causing Ana to roll her eyes.

"Very funny" she said trying to get up.

"How does it feel to be dead?" Her friend asked making her laugh.

"Honestly, it's exhausting" they both laughed a little bit and Shuri handed her some new clothes.

"You should take a shower, your vitals are good. We would talk about the serum tomorrow, now rest" she said before walking out of the room.

"Thank you!" Anastasia shouted. She went to the room she was assigned to, it was the room she slept in her time here, she took a shower, the dirt and the blood going away with the water. She changed into the new clothes Shuri gave her and went to sleep.

The next day after breakfast she went to Shuri's labs "I should make some more test, make sure you're not dying" Shuri told her, she nodded and let her do everything she needed to.

"I feel guilty" Ana confessed "They think I'm dead, I keep telling myself that it's better this way, but I can't help it" she added.

"It's normal for you to feel guilty, but if you want my opinion, this is the best place you could be to test whatever happened to you. We don't know how it will end up, if you think that being dead will be better, then I believe it too" her friend said, causing her a small smile "Besides, if there's people trying to kill you, they can't" she commented while writing something on her tablet "You already are" she added making her laugh.

"Good to see you are having a good time" T'Challa walked inside the lab where the two girls were.

"Well, she's funnier than you" Ana said smirking, he shook his head and rolled his eyes.

"Shuri, you got anything?" He asked his younger sister, she looked at her tablet and then at her friend, over and over again "Shuri?"

"I don't think it was just a serum. They gave you a super soldier serum and the one we already knew about" she said making both of them to look at each other confused "We should test to see if your abilities have gotten stronger and also the news you'll have soon" she touched a bottom and the lab closed "Try to manipulate both of us" Ana hesitated for a little bit but decided to do it.

"Hug each other" she order them, their eyes turned black and they did as she said so, after the hug they just stood there with their eyes black "You can go back to normal" she order them.

"Did it work?" Shuri asked excited, her friend nodded smiling, usually she would have to order something and when they finished their task it would go away.

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