12. Stop it, woman!

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"She's having fun" Tommy told Addi, she nodded and looked at her best friend who couldn't stop smiling. She wasn't going to lie, she was having the time of her life, being with her best friends in that beautiful place was the best thing ever. They walked near to her in the other side of the boat they were on and she turned around.

"There's a party in the beach tonight, we should go" she informed to them.

"Great, I'm going to rest a little bit then. I'm kinda tired" Addi kissed Tommy's cheek and walked inside. The other two stayed outside admiring the day.

"Can I ask you something?" Anastasia hummed and he looked at her. "You've said that it was dangerous for you to come here at first, that's why you were in Wakanda. But, what made you so dangerous?" He asked. She sighed and took his hand.

"It's better if I show you" she explained.

Anastasia was walking around the castle when she heard someone jump next to her, she unconsciously sent ice daggers that if it wasn't for Shuri's technology and the shield she created from her bracelet, she could have died. "I'm so sorry Shuri. I didn't mean to" she looked at her hands scared but Shuri took them with a soft smile.

"It's ok. It isn't you, your powers are taking control over you, we have to fix that" she nodded and hugged the Wakanda princess.

"Thank you" the scenery changed. Ana was walking through a field full of grass smiling, she took a deep breath and sat down, letting her mind rest for a second. She felt ok, relieved even, but when she opened her eyes she saw the once green grass that now was darker, sparks coming out of it. She freaking burned it. She wasn't even in an extreme situation.

The scenery changed again, this time Anastasia was in her room alone when T'Challa knocked on the door and walked inside. "I've heard you did better today".

"Yeah. I didn't unconsciously tried to kill anybody" she said smiling making him laugh.

"Nobody blames you for it, you know? We get that it's not you who did it" he sat next to her and she nodded.

"Yeah but, it was me. My body at least. I could've kill you, T" he nodded and patted her back comforting her.

"It's ok" the scenery changed again. This time hurt a little bit as it wasn't something she actually saw.

"Anastasia? Why are you eyes shining?" T'Challa asked her but she didn't answer, her face not showing any kind of expression, she almost seemed dead. "Anastasia?" He asked again but she didn't answer. "Shuri, code Moon" before anyone could do anything, Anastasia pinned him to the floor. But, it wasn't Anastasia, it was the thing they putted on her head, it wasn't her.

Back to reality Tommy immediately hugged his best friend with tears leaving his eyes. "It wasn't you, don't feel bad" he said in her ear. She nodded and hugged him back. "I'm guessing that doesn't happen anymore?" She sighed and looked away.

"It doesn't, relax. You don't have to watch your back" he nodded and hugged her again.


Tommy and Addi were dancing in the middle of the dance floor together while Ana stood at the bar with her drink. "A beer please" she heard a girl beside her say, she looked at her, it was a tall blond girl not much older than her. The girl noticed her and smiled "Hi. I'm Elaine".

"Anastasia" the blond girl nodded and smiled.

"Like the princess?" She asked with her eyebrows raised and a smile across her face.

"Yeah, like the princess" she replied smiling too. "Although, I'm much better than her" she said confidently.

Elaine nodded and looked at her up and down "I don't doubt it". Ana was trying to hold a smile but it was impossible "Wanna dance?" She held her free hand to her while taking a sip from her beer with the other one.

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