9. Why do you lie to them?

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"Pietro. That's ridiculous!" Wanda yelled to her brother. He sat in front of her eating a sandwich and furrowed in confusion "She will never join us. She hates organisations. It's crazy!"

"She'll do it now. I'm telling you, she changed" she shook her head and rolled her eyes at him "She's here all the time. And it's not just for the good time she spends with me" he said smirking. She shoved his arm hardly.

"Gross!" She said in disgust. Nat walked inside and sat next to Pietro.

"She's right. She's not joining. She retired a couple of months ago and she doesn't seems like she misses it much" she took a sip of water and Wanda nodded.

"I'm sure she does. She just too proud to say" Pietro said in denial. The two redheads looked at each other pissed off.

"Why do you want her to join? Why can't you understand that she doesn't likes this kind of life?" Wanda said softly taking his hand.

"I want to spend the most time with her as possible and Fury said it would work. He said that eventually she will want to join us" he said sadly. He didn't want to lose her again but if he did, he at least wanted to be as close as possible to her.

"Look, kid. She's been fighting her whole life. She even died, sort of. She doesn't want to fight again but if you want to be with her just ask her to move in with you. Here, in your own apartment, whatever" Nat told him. He nodded and took his phone "I didn't mean right away" she whispered to Wanda who shrugged.

"She doesn't answer" he said confused. He tried again but nothing "Why isn't she answering her phone?" He started to panic and even tho the girls tried to calmed him down he wouldn't listen to them. After her fake death he always thought she was going to die in any moment given. He couldn't lost her, again.

"Anastasia says she will call you right back. She's talking to me first, she's sorry" Vision said to him entering the room. Pietro nodded confused and looked at the girls who tried not to laugh.

A little bit later she called him and he walked to his room to talk to her alone. "Hey. Sorry I didn't answer, Vision needed to talk to me urgently" she explained.

"It's ok. Actually I've got something important to tell you too" he said nervously. She panicked and ran a hand trough her hair. She looked around her room and started to pace around. She had a weird feeling and she wasn't liking it.

"Right. Um, tell me" she said nervously as well. She sat on her bed and breathed deeply.

"I want to live with you" he blurted out shocking her. "Um. W-What now?" She said confused. He sighed and laid on his bed.

"I want to live with you. You know what that means, yeah?" She hummed as an answer and furrowed in confusion.

"I don't think my dad would like the idea of you moving here" she said confused, he chuckled and shook his head.

"I didn't mean that. I meant you coming here maybe, or we could get an apartment" he explained. She sighed and thought about it.

"Pietro..." she trailed off and he already knew what she was going to answer "I love you. I really do. But I just got back with my family, I can't leave them again" he scoffed confusing her.

"You didn't thought that way the last time" his eyes widened after realising what he said.

"It's not the same!" She shouted making him regret all his life decisions.

"Sorry, I didn't mean it" he said but she stayed silenced "I get it if you don't want to abandon your family but I miss you. I want to be with you all the time".

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