15. I got it

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A groan left Pietro's lips as he rubbed his fingers on his temples "Test, test, test. All tests. My brain is burning".

"At least you're not the one suffering them" Ana rolled her eyes while he flipped her off.

"It's not easy to see you with all those cables and blood out of you".

"Then don't, go away" he shook his head taking a step closer.

"I promised to stay with you thought everything, I'm not one to break my promises".

"You should when your promises make you more annoying that usual" she rolled her eyes again making him hit her arm slightly.

"Stop doing that, they're going to roll to the back of your head" she smirked while shrugging.

"You used to like when that happened" she teased making him chuckle.

"It's not the time for teasing, love" he leaned closer but stop when someone cleared their throat from the door of the lab.

"If you're not going to kiss stop the sexual tension" Wanda entered ignoring the finger her brother just showed her and the crimson cheeks of her friend.

"We were about to but you interrupted us" he mumbled earning a smack on the back of his head.

"That's not true" Anastasia got up from her seat and went to Wanda's side "Any news?" The Sokovian girl shook her head making her sigh.

"Hey" she placed a hand on her shoulder "We're going to solve this and everyone will survive, including you". Ana nodded her head appreciating her friend kindness, she was about to kiss her cheek when she noticed her lips touched another cheek.

"Pietro!" She hit him repeatedly while he laughed, Wanda tried to hide her smile watching the two act normally between them.


Tony laid on one of the couches in the living room playing with a ball while Nat laid on the coffee table and Steve paced in front of them.

"We could send her to space. Thor could take her somewhere safe" the genius suggested.

Steve thought about it but shook his head "Good idea, but let's leave that for plan Z. Clint trust us to have his daughter safe and in this planet" Tony nodded while thinking on other possibilities.

"We could send her far away, she could be in this planet and safe. She always wanted to live in a cottage since she was a 13, she saw it in a movie and got obsessed" Nat laughed at the memory while the two males thought about it.

"What are you suggesting exactly?" Steve asked causing her to sit up with her legs crossed and look at him.

"She could leave in a cottage away from the world, away from emotions and people who could cause her distress. She could learn with time to held her emotions in and not let them take control over her. She will be back as soon as there's no damage to the rest of the world" she explained making Tony sat up abruptly and exit the room leaving two confused superheroes.

They followed him and entered his lab where he started to search thought his monitor until he let out a 'Yay!'.

"FRYDAY, get little Barton here. We got it" he ordered his AI. Nat and Steve looked at each other before glancing at the billionaire. Suddenly Anastasia appeared next to Tommy.

"You got it?" She asked hopeful.

She didn't want to get her hopes up. She tired to avoid the fact there was a possibility for her to be ok because she didn't believe she could have one. In her mind she should've died back in Moscú.

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