1. Lucky me

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She used her abilities to create a force field around her in a way that she was completely protected. It wasn't the first time she did this but it did felt a lot easier than those other times. She guessed that it was because of the new serum. When the collapsing finally stopped she had to make it look like she died, she cut somebody's arm and put her bracelet on it. She then placed the arm somewhere and flied to the river, trying not to be seen. She looked at the place one more time before starting to swim. She could hear people yelling but she ignored it. She kept swimming till she was far away from that place and the Avengers. She knew what was on that serum but and knew it would make her more dangerous. While she was still with HYDRA they tried to create another serum just for her, they said it would make her more powerful and indestructible, the perfect weapon. She read all the information about it and knew that it was dangerous to be near her family. She ran into the woods, not looking back. She heard the quinjet which meant that they went back home, which was good. She sighed relived and kept running. She knew there was a small town near the base and she knew the way, she once had a mission there. She was stopped by a gun shoot.

"You gotta be kidding me" she groaned on the floor. A man approached her trying to kill her but she was faster, way more faster than usual. She kicked his legs and took his gun "Bye bye" she said playfully before pulling the trigger. She kept the big gun, knowing it was gonna be useful. It was obvious she would have to fight more man. She kept running, this time being more careful. She heard a weird noise and hide behind a three, then looked over her shoulder to see a woman with a knife, she shoot her and looked of more weapons, this looks like a bad video game, she thought. She took her phone and called Shuri and T'Challa, they knew about the serum and they knew as well as she did that she was gonna get it one day. They told her that when that happened she should go to Wakanda and they would help her. They told her that they were on their way, meanwhile she had to stay there. She started to think about all that happened in just a day, or maybe it was two, she couldn't even tell. She was dead, she left her family, the boy she loved, her friends. Anastasia felt bad, guilty, even disgusting, but it was for the better. She only would have caused more problems, HYDRA was going to want her back, and she had to learn her new abilities, she couldn't just go home get pissed off and kill her siblings.

"Surrender" a man said, she turned around with her hands out on defence. He came closer to her and tried to punch her.

"That's not way to treat a lady" she threw a knife at his carotid, killing him. "That's better" she said naturally. The man was on the floor and she had blood on her again. Fantastic.

She heard a voice, she thought that she was going crazy for a moment but a person jumped on her back.

"I don't like this position" she said kicking the woman putting herself on top of her "That's better" she said with a smirk before punching her on the face. She took a small gun the woman had and shoot her on the head. Another person came out but she shoot them immediately "Someone else wants to fight me?" She shouted. A man came behind her but she was fastest than him and kick his hand with her foot, making his gun fall "Sorry, I thought you were trying to kill me" she said smiling "Lady Moon, nice to meet you" she held her hand out for him to shake, he looked at her confused before accepting it. Once he touched her hand she put it on his back "Kill all your teammates" she ordered him using her mind control. He walked away, his eyes were black, he started shooting people and she sat for a moment with a big gun on her hands. She rested for a little bit before hearing a click next to her head "Can this day get any worse?" She whined.

"Don't worry. You are going to die soon" the man said causing her a chuckle.

"Lucky me. I'm already dead" she said before taking his gun "And now, you too" she pulled the trigger and sat again. She rested her head on a tree and killed anyone who came closer to her.

Meanwhile the Avengers were coming home, they were going to the Barton's farm first. They had to tell them what happened, they also called Fury who didn't care about what they said and told them that he was gonna find her. He was in denial, that girl was like a daughter to him, she couldn't be dead, it was impossible. He wasn't wrong tho, but he didn't had enough profs. Pietro sat on a corner next to Tommy.

"I have a weird feeling" Tommy said, breaking the silence that was between them for hours "I don't know why, I just know she's not dead".

"It's ok, it's difficult to accept but you will" Pietro assured him as he has already been in this situation.

"It's not that. I can feel it. Her in my head, I know I would feel empty if she died, but I don't, cause she's not dead. You gotta believe me" he told him but he shook his head.

"Take some rest, we'll arrive soon and there's gonna be a lot of tears" Pietro told him, he nodded and tried to sleep but he couldn't.

"They will be ok" Vision told Wanda who was looking at both her brother and her friend worried.

"I hope so. She was also your friend, you two were close, I'm sorry" she told him, he smiled at her and hugged her.

"She was also your friend, I'm sorry too" he said in her ear. She started crying and Vision didn't just because he wasn't physically able to.

"Steve" Nat said catching the blond's attention "I know it would sound weird but I've been hearing to Tommy and Pietro talk, I have a theory, but we can't tell anyone" he nodded and listened to her closely "Just you and me can know, maybe Fury too. I don't want to give them hope for nothing, but after HYDRA she was trained by Clint, Fury, Hill and me. I think there is a possibility she's still alive" she explained to him.

"How? Nat it's impossible. A whole building fall on top of her" Steve said trying to make her realise it's crazy.

"I know that girl, she knows how to protect herself, but she also knows how to fake her death" she told him.

"Why would she do that? Look around you, everyone here is about to jump off a cliff" he said while looking at the rest of the team.

"I don't know that yet, but I know she's alive and we have to find her" she said with hope in her eyes.

"Fine, we'll talk to Fury later, first we have to leave the Barton's mourn her death" she nodded in agreement and went back to Clint, who was barely there.

Back in the woods Anastasia was starting to get tired, she heard a weird noise and immediately jumped, it was about 20 minutes that nobody was showing up, she hoped that she could finally rest. She heard someone behind her and pointer her gun at them.

"This is how you greet your friends?" She sighed relived.

"T'Challa" she breathed out.

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