17. Mother!

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"I made pizza!" Pietro exclaimed excitedly. Anastasia raised an eyebrow and chuckled, walking closer to him.

"Good, another thing I have to pretend to like" she muttered making him hit her arm.

"Not funny" he sat on the dining table and took a slice of the food for him to eat. She sat in front of him and sighed, they had been living together for a few months now, everything was good.

The Sokovian was still teasing her and everyday he made an excuse to sleep with her. He didn't want to pressure her, it was more to make her laugh, which he did. So when she spoke next he almost chocked.

"You can sleep with me tonight" she blurted out, his eyes widened and the air was knocked out of his lungs.

"Really?" She hummed and took a slice of her own. Making a face when she took her first bite "Hey! It isn't that bad" he whined while she nodded.

"It's delicious" he could tell how she was lying, not that she was trying to cover it up.

"Shut up" he mumbled leaning back on his chair. He looked up at her and smirked "So... tonight we can finally sleep in the same bed, huh?"

"Yes, but no funny business" he smirked and shook his head slowly.

"When have I ever tried funny business when in the same bed as you?" She gave him a pointed look that made him laugh. She fought a smile that tried to make its way to her face and took another bite.

Pietro watched her cautiously, it couldn't taste that bad. In his opinion, it was rather a good pizza. But the look on her face said otherwise.

"Ok! That's it. You cook from now on" she sighed in relief while he shook his head.



"Mother" Anastasia turned around to see a long haired boy. His hair was darker than hers. He didn't look anything like someone from her family, but he was calling her 'mother'.

"Mother!" He shouted interrupting her thoughts "Mother, I don't know what to do" he walked closer to her while she looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"Auntie Wanda. You have no idea what she did" she furrowed. Auntie Wanda?

"Where's your father?" He didn't reply, he just took her hand.

"Mother. You have to help them!"


"Billy and Tommy"


After her nightmare, or dream, she doesn't know yet. Anastasia got up slowly and made her way downstairs, taking every precaution so Pietro wouldn't wake up. She thanked god or whoever was up there he didn't had an arm around her or it would be impossible.

She entered the kitchen and drank some water before sitting on the counter. Ana wondered who that kid was, he didn't look familiar, at least not like someone she ever saw.

And he was calling her 'Mother', and was talking about two people she didn't know about. He also called Wanda his auntie. She furrowed but waved it off as just another weird dream with nonsense.


A few months had passed now and Anastasia was controlling her abilities better. She wasn't freezing the whole kitchen after a fight with Pietro anymore. That was a good sign.

Pietro watched as she breathed the cold air at the backyard. She was amazed by the nature but he only had eyes for her.

Their relationship was just one of friendship, a weird friendship I must say.

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