8. The law changed

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"Good to see you decide to join us" T'Challa said to Ana. He nodded his head letting her know that it was time.

"Good to see you are still fighting like kids" she said to the team, for the first time in months.

"I knew it" Nat said smiling, Steve looked at her and she nodded, letting him know that it was her. He looked at Clint that was looking shocked at the girl.

"Take of your mask" Her friend said, she rolled her eyes and took both the mask and the hood off.

"Anastasia?" Her father asked walking towards her. Everyone looked at each other confused. He hugged her and touched her face smiling, not believing it completely.

"Wait. You're the creepy kid that was with T'Challa the whole time?" Tony asked her, she nodded and looked at Tommy who had a difficult expression to analyse.

"Steve's right. But not completely" she stated not wanting the conversation to be about her being dead. Her dad walked back to his team and stood next to Wanda and Tommy.

"What do you mean, kiddo?" Tony asked her. She sighed and looked at Bucky.

"He's right about the other soldiers, but they can't be awaken" she said confusing everyone even more.

"Why?" Steve asked her. Pietro was looking at her making her a little uncomfortable. She sighed before replying.

"Cause they are dead" she said. Tony laughed at that catching everyone's attention.

"You are too" he said while laughing. She shook her head while rolling her eyes. "How do you know that?" Steve asked.

"Who do you think killed them?" He nodded and looked at Tony. Tommy suddenly hugged her "Don't die ever again" she nodded and he squeezed her hard.

"So... What does that mean?" Tony asked confused by the situation. "The man who is trying to make Bucky guilty is still out there. Tony you have to believe us" Steve begged him.

"Sorry, pal. The law changed" Anastasia sighed and asked Tommy to stay back, she created a link between everyone's minds, making them see that Bucky really was innocent "What was that?" Tony asked when she finished.

"Bucky's testimony" she said smirking. "I'm pretty sure that's not how it works" he said making her roll her eyes.

"I didn't want to relive it but ok..." Bucky muttered referring to the last couple of days, Anastasia glared at him and he smiled softly "I'm kidding" he mouthed.

"We have to go and make justice" Steve said causing Ana a chuckle. "Sorry you just sounded very patriotic" she said smiling.

"Like I said" Tony caught everyone's attention "The law changed. Give me Barnes. We don't have much time, buddy" Steve shook his head and Anastasia immediately had an idea.

"Call Ross. Hand it to me, I can give you more time. We'll go to Siberia to see if Steve's right and then when you see that he is we'll show Ross and everyone's clean" She told Tony.

"How are you gonna do that?" Tony asked her. She shrugged with a smirk "I know every government secret, including Ross's secrets". He hesitated but did as she said. He gave her a mobile phone after telling Ross that someone wanted to talk to him.

"I need you to give them more time" she said to him, everyone looked at her waiting to see what she had planned. "Yeah, Yeah. I'm dead. Get over it" some of them laughed and she rolled her eyes at Ross. "Victoria Gómez" Ross froze and the Avengers looked at her confused, some of them smiled proudly at her as they saw she was getting what she wanted. "By the way, the Spain's house it's beautiful. I may have to get my own" she said playfully. She waited for his respond and smiled "Thank you, sir". She gave the phone back to Tony who looked shocked at her. "You've got all the time you need" she smirked and Pietro ran to her and hugged her. She stood there awkwardly for a little bit before hugging him back. She missed being between his arms, he kissed the top of her head while Tony and Steve looked at each other having a silent conversation.

"This guy is probably in Siberia by now. We need a plan" Steve said breaking the silence. Tony nodded and motioned Team Cap to walk with him to the jet. T'Challa smiled proudly at his friend and she smiled back. Pietro and her stayed behind for a brief moment. He looked at her smiling happy that she was alive, her head was on his hands and she felt the happier she didn't know she could feel like. He kissed her passionately and she melt into it. When he pulled away they smiled at each other and before she could move again he grabbed her tightly against him. He hugged her again like she could escape in any moment.

"I love you" he whispered in her ear. She smiled and kissed him again. "I love you too" they smiled at each other and ran to the quinjet. Clint looked at the guy like he was about to kill him but decided not to since it was the guy his daughter was in love with.

They arrived at Siberia and some of them stayed outside while some went inside. Anastasia was outside with Tommy, Pietro and Clint questioning her about the time she was presumed dead. She didn't gave much information bored about the topic. Suddenly they hear weird noises and when they get prepared for a fight Cap and Bucky walked out with Tony and Rhodes behind. They all looked awful.

"You do the paperwork, I don't want to see him ever again" Tony said being held by his old friend to the young Barton. She looked at Steve confused, he sighed and waved it off but she wanted to know. T'Challa took Zemo prisoner and they all came back home.

The Avengers were braking apart, since the little civil war. Steve and Tony didn't talk anymore, Anastasia came back home to hear that not everyone believed that she died. She kept many secrets behind but she needed to come back to her family. She stayed 'dead' to the rest of the world besides her family, she thought that it was better that way, she wouldn't have to deal with many things her name brought her.

"I'm going to train with Steve today" Pietro said trying to get up but Ana wouldn't let him. She had her arm around him and she was pushing him down. He laughed softly and shook his head.

"Stay with me. It'll be funnier" she whined and pecked his lips. He smiled and hummed. "Come on. We can work out together if that's what you want" she said smirking.

"Oh, Yeah?" He said before kissing her. She hummed and kissed him. "Then I should stay here. Working out with you will be much better than with Steve" she nodded and he placed some kiss on her collarbone. Suddenly they heard a knock on the door but ignored it.

"Pietro, I know you are in there with Barton. Get out. Barton, you've got a meeting with Fury" Steve said from the other side. Pietro sighed and got up while Ana stayed in bed.

"You gotta get up too, you know?" She groaned and shook her head. He smiled and used his speed to get her up. She groaned again not wanting to go to a meeting. She putted on one of Pietro's shirts and baggy shorts. He kissed the top of her head and went with Steve. She went to the meeting room after taking a cup of coffee from the kitchen.

"Good morning, Agent Barton" Fury said greeting her. "Good morning, Nick" he rolled his eyes and sat in front of her.

"I can't let you retire" she rolled her eyes and leaned back on her seat. She told him that she didn't want to be an agent a couple of months ago, after she came back. She loved being an agent but she didn't want to keep fighting. She spent her live fighting, she couldn't do it anymore.

"There's nothing to discuss here. It's my decision, I'm the only one who can make it" she said angrily. He nodded and looked away.

"You are one of my best agents, I can't let you go that easily" he told her.

"You have to" she said coldly. "I know" he breathed out. Then he hugged her, and kissed the top of her head. She smiled before saying goodbye and going back to her boyfriend's room. She sat on his bed and looked around her, she saw a picture of them at the beach and she smiled softly. She sighed and came back to bed. Hours later Pietro went back to his room and founded her sleeping, he smiled to himself and got out not wanting to bother her. He took his phone and made a call.

"Hi. It's me, Pietro. Everything is going as planned. She'll join us, I'll make sure of it" he hang up and grinned. His plan was working, and he knew it. But, which plan?

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