11. Stay

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"Maybe if I read a book to you? That helps Nathaniel" Laura suggested but Ana shook her head. Since she came back they've been watching her making sure she slept a little bit at least.

"Mom, it's ok. I'm really tired today, I'm sure I'll be down in no time" she assured to her mother. She didn't believed her but let her go, she would check in later anyway. Ana laid on her bed and checked her messages, Tommy and Addi wanted to do a little trip. Wanda was talking about Vision and he was talking about her. She had some from Pietro saying he wanted to see her but she was trying to avoid him. Nat texted her saying she needed something from her and if she had more she didn't care. She tried to sleep but nothing happened. She looked at the clock at saw that it was 3 a.m. and didn't know what to do. She answered all of her messages and was surprised when someone answered back, it was Pietro. She didn't know why but she knew they if she called him she would fall asleep.

"Hi. This is going to sound weird but I need you to talk to me" she said not letting him talk at first.

"Ok? Does this has something to do with your sleep problems or you just like my voice?" He asked playfully.

"A little bit of both. Just talk, I don't care what you say" she placed the phone next to her and closed her eyes while listening to him. He talked about his day and about what he was going to do the next day. She was right, she did fall asleep, he ended the call when he realised and smiled to himself, he helped her sleep, that's cute.

The next day she got up and thanked him through text. He called her which was weird, but it was also weird what she did last night so who cares?

"I see I got you bored last night. I'm not interesting enough?" She chuckled and shook her head.

"Yeah. I'm sure Steve has something more interesting to tell" he scoffed and took an apple from his sister's hand.

"We should meet. I need to talk to you" she sighed and closed her eyes.

"I don't think this is the best idea but sure. What do you wanna talk about?" She tried to get some information.

"You know what it is. I'll text you later, Wanda is being an ass"

"I'm sure it's the other way around but sure" she ended the call before he could complained and had breakfast.

And Pietro did text her later, she had to go to the compound to help Nat get ready for her date with Bucky. When they finished and the redhead left with her black dress and her very well dressed date, Anastasia went to Pietro's room. She knocked and the door was opened not even a second later.

"Hi" she looked at him, his smiling face, the same mess of a hair as always, she missed him more than she knew.

"Hey" she smiled back and he mentioned for her to get inside.

"Anastasia, I need you to let me talk. So I'm going to start talking, you are going to listen, and then you talk, ok?" She hummed and he breathed deeply before starting to speak again. "I love you, Anastasia Barton. I never thought I could love and care for someone the same way I do it for you, I really didn't. I lost my parents when I was young and then I thought I lost you and it's just... the hardest thing. I can't live with the thought of you being away from me. So please, just please. Stay with me, live with me. I'll leave the damn Avengers if that's what you want. We could live happily just the two of us. We can adopt, we can get marry, we can do whatever the hell you want just... Stay".

Anastasia looked down trying to hold her tears which Pietro wasn't doing. She looked at him in the eyes and cupped his face with her hands "I love you, Pietro Maximoff. I was scared of feeling this way but with you and with time it's just easier. But I don't want you to give up your life for me. I don't even know what I want, but I can't promise you a future. None of us can. That's why I'm doing this" she said sadly. He shook his head and placed his hands on her shoulders so she would look at him.

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