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Ana chuckled as she saw her new identities "Lily Potter? Really?" She shook her head in amusement.

"At least you find funny the 'Harry Potter' last name. Your godmother didn't like Longbottom" Mason said while handing her a couple of weapons she asked for.

She looked at him blankly "Fanny Longbottom is not that funny as you may believe" she muttered causing him to roll his eyes.

"How's she going? Last time I saw her she dyed her hair, much like you" he pointed to her red hair while she nodded.

"Last time I saw her she wasn't that good. I think she blames herself, she had a new hope but you know how that works. As much as I hate to say this, they're not coming back" he nodded as he sat in front of her.

"Did you tell her you were going off the grid?" She nodded and sat on the seat in front of his.

"I told her she wouldn't see me for a while, I didn't need to be that specific for her to understand me" he looked down while she fought herself "Did Yelena got dusted?"

"Yeah" he breathed out.

"Then you can imagine how Natasha is" she muttered realising that the former redhead should be worst than she thought.

"Good luck out there"

"You too, Rick"


"Another masacre?" Tommy asked in defeat as he and his fiancée sat in front of Nat.

She nodded while biting the inside of her cheeks "This time it was in Brazil" she handed him a file, which he took reluctantly.

"I might know where they are heading next. I never said anything before because I didn't found anything, but now it might help" he handed her the pen-drive once found on Ana's bedroom, after she 'died'.

"We'll find them, and they will come back home" the couple nodded while trying not to cry.

"Nat, we have to go and see my parents but... Lunch tomorrow?" Nat nodded with a smile at the redhead and waved them off.

"Come on, now. I have business to do" they hugged her before going away.

She made sure she was alone before putting own her ballet shoes. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes, all the memories of the red room coming back.

Yelena would be probably laughing at her right now. She laughed with tears leaving her eyes as she continued with the ballet practice.

She remembered when James first trained her, so she stopped dancing. Panting heavily as she took the shoes off and throw them again.

"Natasha?" Rodhes entered the room to see Nat kneeling down and painting "Hey, hey, hey. Take a deep breath for me would you?"

He never imagined he would see the Black Widow having a panic attack.

But again, no one imagined that half the universe would turn to dust by a mad Titan.

Except of course for a kid that appears on Ana dreams, no big deal.


"We should name him you know?" Pietro asked to Ana as she cooked breakfast.

"It's just a kid in my dreams, I don't think we should think much about it" he quirked an eyebrow causing her to sigh "Fine! What about... Thomas?"

"Like Tommy?" She hummed as a response and he chuckled "No. What about Pietro Jr.?" She rolled his eyes as he got up and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"You know what, I actually like it" he looked at her surprised and grinned.

"Really?" She nodded and turned around to kiss me.

"Of course, I love your name. But I love you more"

"Oh, woman. How you flatter me" she chuckled as he kissed the top of her head "I love you even more".

They smiled at each other and kissed again "I'm so happy I have you for the rest of my life".

"Forever, my love"


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