6. She's proud of you

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"What are you thinking of?" Wanda asked Tommy. They were in her room, lying on the bed looking at the ceiling.

"What she would have done" he breathed out, she closed her eyes and sighed.

"Yell at Pietro for signing" she said making him laugh "She's proud of you" she said truthfully.

"She's proud of you too" he said slowly, she scoffed not believing a word he said "It's true, you may not believe it but it is. She believed in you, she still does" she smiled softly and hugged him.

"Thank you" he smiled at his friend and hugged her back. "You too" they stayed there for a little bit. Before sitting up looking at each other.

"Do you think Pietro it's ok?" She asked him, he nodded confused. "He's with Nat and Tony, I'm sure he's fine" she shook her head and looked down. "I'm not talking about that" she said slowly.

"Oh" he realised what she was talking about and looked at her in the eyes "He'll be ok, eventually, we'll all be" she nodded slowly and laid back. "I know that you feel guilty but, it's like Steve said, we can't save everybody" he said sadly.

"I know. But now people fear me. What kind of hero am I if people fear me" she said looking at the ceiling, he chuckled and shook his head.

"You know what an old friend of mine once told me?" She shook her head and let him talk "She said that you can't control their fear, only your own" he said smiling softly.

"I miss her" she said referring to the same friend he was talking about. "Me too" he breathed out.


T'Challa and Ana were still at the office trying to catch view of what was happening with Bucky when the lights go off. T'Challa spots Steve and Sam leaving and he goes behind them. Ana tries to but it's stopped by Pietro. "Where do you think you're going?" He asked her with a tone of authority. Oh, great! She thought.

"Pietro, get ready" Nat ordered him, he nodded and ran off. Well, that was quick, she laughed at her own joke, I'm so stupid, she thought. "Do you know how to fight?" She nodded and Nat smiled "Good, because I have a feeling that we are going to go in a fight soon. Follow me" she hesitated but decided to follow her. She was told to fight if necessary, it was necessary, so she could, right? She followed her to the control room.

"Evac all civilians. Get me a perimeter around the building, and gunships in the air" the man from before said.

"Please tell me you brought a suit" Nat said to Tony. "Sure did. It's a lovely Tom Ford, three-piece, two-button. I'm an active-duty non-combatant" he said making both women roll their eyes.

"Follow me" Sharon told them. They follow her to what it's seemed to be a cafeteria.


Bucky stalked through the building's ground floor, battering two guards. With tech-glasses on Tony takes cover behind a pillar. "We're in position" Nat informed him. He tapped a wrist-control which became his Iron Man-glove. He zapped Bucky with a stun-burst before Bucky could shoot a guard. Tony rushed him, firing again. Bucky ducked the blast then traded blows with Tony, firing the gun. Tony had the Iron Man-glove over the barrel, blocking the bullet. He pulled the gun barrel loose then Bucky smacked him backwards. Sharon rushed Bucky followed by Nat. They both landed kicks and punches, then Bucky flipped Sharon head over heels. She smashed onto a table then Natasha leaped on Bucky, legs around his neck. He slams her onto another table and grabbed her throat "You could at least recognize me" she told him.

Then Ana kicked his legs making him fall, when he stoop up he tried to punch her with his metal arm but she was stronger so she took his arm and kicked him in his stomach. T'Challa came from nowhere and fought with Bucky, landing lightning fast kicks and some punches. Bucky got a counter punch in and T'Challa falls, but quickly recovers. Bucky hurries up some stairs. T'Challa leaped the levels and vaulted a railing, landing in front of Bucky. Limber T'Challa spin-kicks and grabbed Bucky's metal arm which he tries to twist then looks worried as he realizes it isn't going to work, again. He threw Bucky backwards and kept hold as they both tumble down the stairs. They resume fighting on the small landing and a leg sweep sends Bucky over the railing. T'Challa leaped down after him but finds the wide reception empty. He scans around. Then when Bucky is about to go Pietro ran to him punching him in the gut. He fall but is quick to kick him in the legs, he got up and punched him in the nose, he leaned on the floor groaning but managed to quick him again, but he ended up running to the rooftop.

Ana found Pietro on the floor bleeding and kneel down making sure he was ok. He was confused by her actions as she seemed to worried a lot, he looked at her hand and quickly grabbed it. She let go off him being stronger than him and got up "That ring. I have the same" he got up slowly and looked at her but she avoided his gaze, she didn't know what to do so she show him her thump to tell him it was cool and ran off. He didn't ran behind her because he was highly confused "That ring is unique" he muttered.

"You ok?" T'Challa asked his friend, she nodded and pointed at him "Yeah, I'm fine" she sighed relieved and looked at Nat talking to Pietro. Suddenly Nat looks at her smiling and she freaked out.

"They know. I have to go, now" she said to T'Challa, he nodded and waved her to go. She ran outside and met Okoye.

"I knew this would happen" she said to her while getting the car. She rolled her eyes and sat on the passenger seat "Let's wait in the garage, the rest of the Dora Milaje is there waiting for the prince, I mean, the king" she looked at Ana sadly, they didn't need to say anything they knew who were in their minds. They drove in the garage and waited for T'Challa to arrive.


At night, at Avengers' HQ, Vision floated above the floor. An explosion in the distance lighted up the room for a moment. Vision and Wanda look out of the window. Tommy rushed into the room. "What is it?" Wanda asked her boyfriend.

"Stay here, please" he said to the young friends. Vision went to check up what happened. Suddenly Wanda compelled a knife across the room. It stopped dead in front of Clint's head.

"Guess I shoulda knocked" he says taking the knife away from his face, Tommy and Wanda looked at each other confused.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy asked him while going for a hug, he pulled away and smiled.

"Disappointing my kids" He shoot arrows to both sides of the room "I'm supposed to go water-skiing. Cap needs our help. Come on" he explained to them.
They started to walk away but they were stopped by Vision.

"Clint! You should not be here" Vision said to him while coming back.

He turned around "Really? I retire for, what, like five minutes, and it all goes to shit" he said.

"Please consider the consequences of your actions" Vision warned him while getting closer.

"Okay, they're considered. Okay, we gotta go" Vision was held in a force field, crackling and sparkling between the two arrows "It's this way" he said while running away next to Tommy.

Wanda stayed where she was and played with the sleeves of her dress "I've caused enough problems".

Frowning Clint ran back from the door "You gotta help me, Wanda. Look, you wanna mope, can go to high school. You wanna make amends, you get off your ass. Shit" Vision broke the force field with his mind stone. He punched Clint to the floor, Clint recovered quickly "I knew I should've stretched". He extended a baton and tried to hit Vision, but the blows went through him. Clint resorted to punches, then tried the baton again, resulting in it breaking. Clint tried to kick Vision, but his leg went right through him. He got Clint in a headlock.

"Clint, you can't overpower me" Vision told him, Tommy looked at Wanda and she immediately knew what she had to do.

"I know I can't. But she can" he said referring to Wanda, she walked closer to them, her hands creating a scarlet ball.

"Vision, that's enough. Let him go. We're leaving. I'm leaving" she told him trying to make sense out of him.

"I can't let you" She held her hands apart, glowing with energy. Clint slipped from Vision's grasp. "I'm sorry" she said to him. Vision faltered on the floor. "If you do this . . . they will never stop being afraid of you" he told her.

"I can't control their fear, only my own" She moved closer. Vision glowed from within and crashed through the floor, and several floors beneath. Wanda, Tommy and Clint standing over the holes in the floors.

"Oh... come on. We got one more stop" Clint told them, they nodded at the same time and ran behind him "I'm guessing Tommy told you about that phrase" she nodded and he smiled "Good".

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