16. I'm not leaving you here

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"What do you mean you left the Avengers?" Pietro rolled his eyes and made his way inside, inspecting the house in the process.

"It was falling apart anyway" he shrugged while she closed the door gaping.

"And what are you doing here?" He turned around and smirked.

"Spending my glorious time with you, obviously" she looked at him blankly while he shrugged "I figured I could help you, be with you in the process" she rolled  her eyes and turned her back to him.

"Do you want something to drink?" He smirked and followed her to the kitchen.

"You didn't say no" he leaned on the doorway while she prepared some coffee.

She sighed and looked at him while he smirked "I think you should go to your sister and leave me alone. But if you made the whole way here, the least I could do it's give you something to drink".

"How about I stay here with you and you prepare me something to drink every day?"

"Where's Wanda?" She asked ignoring his question. He rolled his eyes and looked out of the window, the view was beautiful.

"She left to Scotland with the microwave" Ana looked at him dumbfounded but decided to yet again, ignore him.

"Why don't you go with them?" She poured herself a coffee and went to take a sip of it when he stole it from her, taking a sip of his own.

"Because I want to be with you" he simply replied "I like this coffee. I could get used to it" he mumbled against his drink.

"This is unnecessary" Ana sighed while pouring another coffee, this time truly for her.

"Oh, so you want to tell me that you prefer to be here, all alone?" She nodded causing him to scoff "Yeah, and I really enjoy this coffee" he muttered sarcastically. She left out a soft laugh that she covered with a cough, he smiled to himself and left the coffee untouched.

"You should leave" she blurted out before exiting the room. He was following her all the way upstairs "Pietro, we're not together. You don't have to stay here with me".

"But I want to" he grabbed her wrist making her stop on her tracks. They stood in front of each other on the stairs, she being a bit taller due to the steps "I told you, you're the one I want. I don't care about the Avengers or the rest of the world, I only care about you. I'm not leaving you here".

"I can handle this. Go" she firmly said, causing a shiver down his spine. This felt too much familiar.

The silver haired boy looked down with tears threatening to leave his eyes "Please" his voice cracked surprising her "Let me stay here with you so I can help you" he took a hold of both of her hands and looked at the girl he loved in the eyes "I love you, Anastasia Barton. I love you and I won't ever leave you, not again, not even if you begged me to it. Not even if you force me to do it. I'm with you till the end of times".

Anastasia couldn't help the tears that left her eyes. She loved him, more than words could describe, more than she could ever imagine.

She didn't know what to do, she couldn't let him stay with her, it was dangerous, for both of them. But looking at him in that moment, with his puffy eyes and slight pout that made her want to kiss him and never pull away. She didn't know what to do.

"Fine" she breathed out, shocking herself with her answer. The lovesick boy smiled widely as she turned around once again and continued to climb the stairs. When she reached the top she looked back at him with a raised eyebrow "Are you going to come or what? You can sleep on the couch but it'll be better if you stay at a room".

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