13. Is she shining or something?

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"Bucky, are you sure about this?" Steve asked his best friend and he nodded.

"Since she was a kid my mission was to protect her, now it's not going to change" he replied, Nat placed a hand on his shoulder for support.

"Are we going to tell the twins?" Sam asked with his arms crossed.

"No. We should keep this down. It's better if just a few of us know it" Steve answered looking around him. They were at the meeting room. It was Bucky, Sam, Natasha, Tony and him. Clint called them along with T'Challa to tell them. Vision and the twins were watching a movie.

"What are we going to do?" Sam asked looking at Tony.

"I've got not answer for you, bird man. This is out of my league" he replied feeling the eyes on him.

"It's not the first time you avoid the end of the world, is it?"

"It's not the same" he replied rubbing a hand through this face "I saved the world from aliens and an evil robot. This is just a teenager with problems, and she's more dangerous than any of them. Maybe all of them together. She could blink and BOOM. Dead" he explained gesturing.

"Tony is right. Let's work along with Shuri, she'll be the most helpful out of all of us" Steve told them.

"What are we looking for exactly?" Natasha asked concerned about her goddaughter.

"A way to save everyone, including her".

"Well, this is going to be easy" Sam muttered.


"Give me that!" Ana yelled to her friend while smiling.

"Shut it! You look nice" Addi said while taking pictures of her "Just one more I promise" she laughed while Ana started to pose dramatically.

"Girls, I'm trying to sleep" They heard Tommy say next to them. He had a hat covering his head from the sun. The girls looked at each other with mischievous eyes and took water from the beach with an empty bottle. Then Ana looked at Addi until she nodded and proceeded to wet his friend. He gasped and sat upright covered in water "You better run, Barton" he got up and followed his friend while she ran laughing around the beach. Addi took the opportunity to use her camera even more.

Anastasia mobile phone rang and because she was running far away she took it. It was Wanda so it wasn't a problem "It's Addison. Ana is running around the beach" she told her. On the other side Wanda raised an eyebrow to her brother who shrugged.

"I wanted to check and make sure you're all ok" she told her and she hummed. She was on speaker baches her brother was as worried as she was, maybe a little bit more.

"Everything is fine. We got a few problems around the way but it's going great. Ana is having fun, weird, I know. I missed this part of her" she breathed out.

"Which part of her?" Wanda asked confused.

"You know, the partying part of her. She's having fun without thinking about your brother. He made her soft and now she's her again" she replied making Pietro furrow.

"She went to parties when she had her thing with Pietro. I don't get what you mean" Wanda said truthfully

"Yeah but it wasn't the same. If you know what I mean" she teased.

"I-I don't".

"Hey! It's that my phone?" Ana asked between laughs.

"Yeah. It's Wanda" Addi handed her the phone so they could talk and peaked Tommy on the lips.

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