10. Nat already knows

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"You look like you are sick" Nat told her goddaughter. She scoffed and sat beside her, they were at Nat's room at the compound.

"How's everything with Bucky going?" She asked her trying to change the subject. Nat realised but decided to keep with it.

"It's going... great" she smirked making Ana roll her eyes "Ok, fine. We are not dating, but there is something going on".

"Finally" Ana said rolling her eyes. "What about you. You broke up with Speedy months ago, nothing new, not even him?" Nat asked her.

"First of all, he broke up with me" Nat nodded and she continued "Second of all, two weeks later he was already with someone else so I'm not thinking about him again. And finally, no. I'm not seeing anyone and I don't intend to".

"Good. Did he really did that?" Nat asked her. She nodded and sighed.

"You live with him. Don't play dumb, I know you know. Everybody knows" she said making her chuckle.

"I was just trying to be nice" she explained but she didn't convinced her.

"Yeah, well. You can stop that crap. I'm seeing Vision before I go. Call you later" they said their last goodbyes and she went looking for Vision. She went to the kitchen were he said he was going to wait for her but he saw a smiling Pietro and a cheerful Sam. She looked like crap comparing to him, after the break up he was completely fine and she was like shit.

"Hey, Ana. Long time no see" Sam said while laughing. Pietro didn't even look at her but she didn't either.

"I'm looking for Vision" she simply said. "He'll be here in any second" Sam told her, she nodded and stood there awkwardly. She felt a pain in her head but avoided it. Wanda walked in and hugged her.

"I missed you so much" she said in her ear. She pulled away and took a look at her "Did you came back from a mission?" She asked her making everyone confused.

"No... This is me, just me. I haven't go to a mission in a long time. Retirement, remember?" Ana said making Pietro scoff. She closed her eyes and looked at the door waiting for Vision to come outside.

"Ana" Wanda said shocked "Why can I read your mind?" She asked making everyone even Pietro look at her.

"I-I'm... I don't know. Maybe it's just cause I'm tired" she said trying to play it cool.

"You know. I can tell when you are lying now" she said titling her head.

"I'm sorry. I was occupied with Steve" Vision said entering the room. The air was tense, even he could tell "Is something wrong?" He asked concerned.

"When was the last time you slept?" Wanda asked her catching her off guard "Vision. Call Nat".

"No!" Ana said freezing Vision to the floor "I'm sorry, but you cannot tell Nat".

"Nat already knows" she heard her auntie say. She sighed and looked over the door where Nat, Steve and Bucky stood.

"I can explain" Ana started. They looked at her for an explanation but she didn't have anything to say "I actually can't" she breathed out.

"How long it's been going on?" Nat asked her getting closer. She took a light glimpse at Pietro and looked at Wanda, she was hoping she was in her mind, and she was.

"Pietro, you should leave" Wanda told him making her sigh in relief. "I don't think so" he said leaning on the dinning table.

"Don't act like you care know" Ana said angrily to him. He looked down and shook his head in disbelief.

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