14. It's my choice

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The Avengers arrived at the Barton farm, it was a sunny day, the place looking more vivid than ever. The kids ran to greet the group of heroes, them hugging them and laughing at Cooper's attempt to be stronger than Steve. Everyone was happy to be there but at the same time tense, some for the danger of the young lady they had to keep an eye on and some for the danger of what would happen to their heart when they saw her. Wanda was mostly tense because of her brother thoughts.

"Glad you could make it" Clint exchanged knowing looks with most of them while they gladly nodded.

"Thanks for inviting us" The leader of the group said.

"Let's get the table ready. Addison! I need you to bring me the biscuits!" Laura shouted from the door.

"Coming!" Addison came rushing, the plate of biscuits almost dropping to the floor if it wasn't for Pietro and his abilities "Thanks" she smiled awkwardly at him before greeting everyone. She headed to the table, Tommy following her close behind.

Wanda took her brothers hand in an attempt to comfort him. Suddenly a blond girl walked down the stairs.

"Hi! You must be Wanda and Pietro, Thomas talked about you" the twins looked at each other confused before trying to be as civil as possible with her.

"Who are you?" Wanda asked titling her head while narrowing her eyes at her.

"I'm Elaine, nice to meet you" they smiled softly at each other but Pietro kept looking weirdly at her.

"And what are you doing here?" The blond girl looked at him sensing the tension in the air and furrowed while trying to answer.

"I'm here because I'm A-".

"Anastasia Barton! Get your ass down here!" Clint shouted from the bottom of the stairs cutting her off.

"Like I was saying, I'm-".


Elaine sighed in annoyance "I'm Anastasia's girl-".

"Hi, guys" the three of them turned to look at her, she wore a black floral dress. Pietro looked at her in awe, not noticing the same look in Elaine's face. But Wanda did, making her gasp.

"Who's she, Anastasia?" Wanda asked in a harsh tone, her eyes widened looking at Pietro briefly.

"I'm her girlfriend" Elaine replied with a smile. Pietro froze while blinking several times.

"G-Gi-Girlfriend?" He stuttered in shock.

Let's recap his thoughts. They have a fight, they broke up. He messes up but he tells her that she's the one he wants and that he wants to be with her no matter what. She says that there's not future for them. She said that she didn't know what she wanted. She freaking said that. So what changed now? Does she want the future she couldn't see with him with the blond girl.

"That's a plow twist" Sam muttered while Bucky nodded, both of them watching the scene from the living room.

"Pietro I-" before she could master another word he had already walked away angrily.

"Unbelievable" Wanda mumbled before doing the same thing. Anastasia sighed while closing her eyes.

"What was that about?" She heard her girlfriend ask.

"Nothing" she breathed out. She faked a smile and went to help the others prepare everything for lunch.

She entered the kitchen where her parents were looking sadly at her "Honey, can you get the water out?" She nodded opening the fridge to get cold water. She couldn't stop thinking about the way her stomach closed when she saw him. His blue eyes and silver hair that made her fall in love with him over and over again. She wished she could see him smile or laugh once again. Or better, be the reason of it. She shook off the thought, she had a girlfriend now.

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