22. It's you and me now

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Ana took a deep breath and focused. She's been trying to do this for months, it's time now. She's the end, she's the final piece to the puzzle of destruction.

She took another deep breath, focusing all of her power in her body. She conjured her magic into her hands, her body shook as her attire changed to one black outfit. She looked down at it, badass.

She saw her friends, her family, the love of her life get knocked up. She was ready, few steps and she's there, facing the man who tries to end the life of half of the universe.

"Who are you?" He asked.

"You're worst nightmare" with a smug face as Pietro watched in awe she pushed him back with her magic.

"What are you?" He asked again a bit taken back by her power.

She tilted her head with a smirk "What? Scared, mad Titan" she mocked while taking a step closer. He tried to use the stones on her but it didn't work, she didn't know that could happen either, so both parties watched confused "Wicked" she breathed out.

"Anastasia..." Tommy said while nodding towards the Titan.

"Oh, right" she cleared her throat while he looked at her dumbfounded "Where were we?"

"You're going to die" he said walking closer to her.

She shrugged and nodded "Some day, but not today" she froze his feet which didn't work. So she went to another thing. She used her telekinesis to make him float in the air, trying to tear the gauntlet or the stones.

Mother, the mad man will hurt you, but don't let him.

She closed her eyes focusing on the mad man in front of her.

"Anastasia!" She looked at Pietro who looked at her confused, he smiled sadly at her. They mouthed 'I love you' at the same time.

She again looked at the mad man.

Mother, he will come again. Don't let him end you. I need you, dad needs you. Mom, please.

She shook her head, this was it. She had to do it. She pushed the gauntlet further but a sharp thing across her stomach stopped her "You. Son. Of a bitch" she hissed between breaths as she fell.

Wanda looked over her shoulder again and saw Thanos approaching unopposed. She swinged her left hand around to fend him off with a stream of scarlet energy, and pushed him back despite his blue-purple energy shield, but then he started to make slow headway.

Pietro dragged Ana away and caressed her face as blood left her mouth "I'm ok, don't worry" she assured him with a nod of her head. His eyes started to gloss as Tommy kneeled down at the other side of her defeated "I'll heal" they nodded with soft smiles. Fake of course.

"It's all right. It's all right. I love you" Vision said to Wanda. At those words, the yellow Mind Stone finally started to crack. Vision's face was overcome by an expression of joyful peace, and as the crystal fragments completely, a pulse of pure yellow energy explodes from him, shuddering the trees for many meters around his epicenter. Wanda's and Thanos' energy subsides.

Thanos walked closer to the witch "I understand, my child. Better than anyone".

"You could never..." she snarled.

Thanos reached down to presume to stroke her hair, as if in comfort "Today, I lost more than you can know. But now is no time to mourn. Now... is no time at all" He reached forward, clenching the gauntlet, emerald filigree surrounding his wrist. In response, a bead of yellow light started gathering in on itself as time is reversed and growing in size, solidifying into an intact and conscious Vision.

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