The End

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Evon POV

He didn't show up twice and now I see him on the news for robbery and all other stuff and I don't even remember him doing anything like that for the last few days that we have been communicating

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He didn't show up twice and now I see him on the news for robbery and all other stuff and I don't even remember him doing anything like that for the last few days that we have been communicating. Why would committing a crime ever be his next move, that would be stupid, he has too much on the line for him and his girlfriend, but she was on there too right alongside him.

All the stuff he said to me is true, and I always believed him. It was always believable because the police were always suspicious and they made no sense with their decisions, he is their moneymaker, but he will get out soon. It's really no point in keeping him especially when there are like 25 to, I don't know how many copies of the contract is out, and I have to find them or someone has to, to end all this madness, someone has to be the person to not let Chris down for once and be there for him.

I saw his girlfriend Moni twice; this is the second time, and she is getting popular among a lot of people mostly because they hate her for being News Worthy's girl. Moni doesn't have a name for herself yet, but she is getting popular and it's already suspicious enough when we were in the courtroom and how much Chris cared for her, but of course, people clowned her and now they hate her. She was sentenced, everyone saw it, but yet she's out and about, that's why I set up this meeting because I believe that this system is crooked, but why run it like this? It makes no sense just like when Chris told me his real name when we talked on the phone.

It shocked me and intrigued me to know more.

 I remember when he told me his life story, I should have recorded it, but he just had to get it off his chest so I let him, he trusted me with everything even his real name and I was gonna say it in the courtroom, but he told me to promise him not to say it, I thought it would be useful, but he just didn't want to get in trouble early or get me into anything, he told me he wanted me to protect his image until the time was right, but what perfect time should that be we had plenty of time to say something, I just wish he would've trusted me a little more and then when we met it was much better, we got to see each other up close and he literally stressed the importance of what he was going through, and I made him a promise that he couldn't be here for to get. I am a lawyer when we get the information we use it, but I understood that I couldn't say anything for him, the next time I am in the position to be his lawyer, I will make sure that any and everyone in the courtroom isn't complete money-hungry assholes.


"Evon." Chris said as I got on the phone with him and he seemed out of breath and in a bad space, this was around the time when we were supposed to meet the first time, but we didn't because they got caught, but I knew that he was on the run, him and Moni because both of their faces we're on the news and they have been wanting to know where News Worthy was for the longest.

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