10. Life 

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Emerging from the room, I begin to walk down the hallway. The prisoners in the cells watched as I passed.

I looked down, my jeans were soaked with blood. Great. Now I'm gonna have to take my fifth shower in the span of 24 hours.

As I begin to reach the doors, we originally walked through, Theodore comes out of the room and rushes up behind me.

"Where the fuck did that come from?" He questions, referring to me killing that man.

Glancing over my shoulder I walked back into the large room filled with men talking amongst themselves.

"What do you mean? You wanted him to talk, he wouldn't, so I made him." I stated confused as to why he was asking.

Theodore yanks my arm, forcing me to face him. He lowers his voice ensuring only I hear him. "Look at me when I speak to you," he seethes. "You mangled his body. So carelessly. How?" he asks once again.

"For fucks sake, you are annoying. You really think being the daughter of the Italian mafia leader I wouldn't have learned a thing or two?" Yanking my arm back, glaring up at him.

" Listen here, you little bitch, you will learn your place when it comes to me. This little attitude of yours is going to get you killed." Theodore grabs my face, his eyes darker than any I've seen before. " Let's go," he says releasing my face.

Tears begin welling in my eyes, my face sore. I'm so going to have bruises tomorrow.

We make our way out of the warehouse, with the same man as before —Lance I believe — waiting outside the car. "Sir, Ma'am," he nods towards us before opening my door for me.

Smiling softly at him I climb inside as Theodore makes his way to the other side and hops in. "Home please Lance," he says pulling out his phone.

As we pull onto the road my phone begins vibrating in my pocket. When I pull it out I see a call from Zarina.

"Oh mio Vitti! Stai bene? Gia mi ha spiegato tutto dopo aver visto quegli uomini portarti via ieri sera. Quel figlio di puttana Adriano, giuro che quando lo vedrò gli strapperò il di-," I cut her off.

Oh my Vitti! Are you okay?? Gia explained everything to me after I saw those men take you away last night. That son of a bitch Adriano, I swear when I see him I'm going to rip his di-

"Woah lì zia per favore risparmiami i dettagli raccapriccianti di te che hai ucciso mio padre. Sì, sto bene. Beh, non va bene, ma sono vivo. In realtà sono in macchina con la testa di merda in questo momento. Mi sono appena divertito un po' con uno dei suoi prigionieri." I chuckle. Looking over I notice Theodore watching me, ignoring him I return my attention to Zarina.

Woah there auntie please spare me the gruesome details of you murdering my father. Yes I'm fine. Well not fine, but I'm alive. I'm actually in the car with the shithead right now. I just had a bit of fun with one of his prisoners.

"Ooohh dillo alla mia principessa!" she laughs on the line.

Ooohh do tell my princess!

The rest of the ride back I spent on the phone describing everything I did back at the warehouse to Zarina. The occasional gasp and laugh from her let me know she was genuinely proud of my work.

My aunt is praising me for torturing and murdering someone. Fucked up. I know.

As we arrived back at Theodore's house, I noticed another car parked, where we were before we left.

" Who's here," I asked, turning towards Theodore. He shuts his door behind him before looking over at the new car in the driveway.

"My sister, Julianna" he responds, a smirk almost visible on his face.

We make our way inside the house when a short brunette woman comes racing down the stairs jumping into Theodore's arms.

"Ntóre! Mou écheis leípsei tóso polý!" She squeals jumping out of his embrace.

Dore! I've missed you so much!

"Ótan éftasa edó o Aléxandros eípe óti eíches vgei! Pou sto diáolo ísoun?!" She says slapping his chest.

When I got here Alexandros said you had gone out! Where the hell were you?!

A slight chuckle escapes his lips as he places both hands on his sisters face.

"Píga na ascholithó me aftón ton ántra pou vríkame sto spíti sou. Tha sas po gia aftó argótera." He says softly to her.

I went to deal with that man we found at your house. I'll tell you about it later.

She smiles warmly at him, suddenly her eyes snap to me and her face drops.

"Who's this?" Julianna asks walking towards me.

Theodore sighs dramatically and turns around facing us both.

"O néos mou arravoniastikós. Eínai i kóri tou Adriano Abruzzo. O patéras échei kánei symfonía kai tha pantreftoúme ton Noémvrio. Dystychós gia ména i skýla échei polý to stóma páno tis." He says rolling his eyes.

My new fiancé. She is the daughter of Adriano Abruzzo. Father has made an agreement and we shall be married in November. Unfortunately for me the bitch has quite the mouth on her.

"O chazós den xérei kan óti miláo elliniká. Me léne Vitória, chaíromai pou se gnorízo." I snap staring Theodore straight in the face. His eyes stare into my soul clearly not prepared.

Dumb fuck doesn't even know I speak Greek. My name is Vittoria, nice to meet you.

Papa made sure I knew several languages. I know Spanish, Greek, French, Russian, and of course Italian.

"Oh my! I love her already. Pleasure to meet you. My aren't you gorgeous!" She smiles at me, giving me a hug.

"Come along Vittoria! We're going to be the best of friends!" I smile back at her as she begins to walk back towards the living room.

As I began following the almost annoyingly cheerful woman, I stop and turn towards Theodore who's still staring at me.

"Syngnómi, xéchasa na anaféro óti miláo áptaista pollés glósses. Kai pós eínai i aderfí sou? Eínai tóso glykiá kai esý eísai polý chazós." I smirk at him.

Sorry, forgot to mention I'm fluent in multi languages. And how is she your sister? She's so sweet, and you're quite the asshole.

I laughed slightly as I notice his jaw ticking.


After spending the rest of the day, talking to Theodore's sister — well listening to her talk — I was finally able to go back up to "my" room. At one point, I was able to shower and get all the blood off of me from the time we spent at the warehouse. Not long after Julianna and I had sat down in the living room, Theodore had disappeared somewhere in the house. I hadn't seen him for several hours. After changing out of my clothes, I put pajamas on and tucked myself tightly under the covers.

Slowly, I begin drifting off to sleep thinking about how everything has changed so drastically in the last day. I missed the boys, I missed mamma, I even missed papa.

This was my life now. And I was just going to have to get used to it.

Tears began flowing as I let the sleep consume me, pulling me under.

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