Chapter 21. *Honestly what is even going on anymore?!*

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Would you rather..., eat a spider or kill a puppy?"

"Damn, those are some dark choices." Killian states.

"The harder the question, the more interesting the answer Killian" I say with a smirk.

"Stop trying to sound so mischievous Lou"

"Well, what about you Nevaeh? What would you choose?"

"Easy. Eat the arachnid." Nevaeh answers bluntly.

"Oof, not even a hint of hesitation."

"I mean, why wouldn't you eat the spider?"

"You have a point." Killian asserts.

"Hey why don't you guys play against each other this round?"

"I mean I don't really know how to play." Nevaeh replies.

"All you gotta do is dance and match the moves on the screen. The game's called Just Dance 2019." I tell her.

I can tell she definitely doesn't want to play, because she's been glancing towards the door this entire conversation. I've been in enough tiring conversations to know what it looks like when someone is measuring the distance between the door and yourself.

"I mean unless you're intimated by me, because you know you'll lose." Killian challenges.

"That's not at all what I'm thinking. I'm not going to be goaded into playing with you."

"Oh okay, I see. I get it."

"Get what."

"It alright, I totally one hundred percent get it."

"Okay I have no idea what you are insinuating."

"Wow, you have such a bold vocabulary. Such a shame you don't make any bold moves." Killian goads as he inches towards Nevaeh.

"Excuse you. You have absolutely no idea what kind of moves I make or not." She says as she faces him fully.

"Yea, you're right I only know what I observe though. And based off of what I've seen so far..." He trails off.

"Fine. You know what. I'll kick your ass in this, and everything else you egotistical lover boy."

"I don't see a problem in loving oneself. Also if I'm a lover boy then by all means luv, feel free to fall for my charms." By this point, they're so close to each other that I bet they could share a breath.

"Um, hate to break this scene up but what is this exactly?" I say pointing in between them. The moment shatters and they both back up, and look away.

"I mean like, what is going on with you both? Killian you know the rules especially with her."

"What do you mean? Why especially with me?" Nevaeh asks.

I look over to Killian, and his face goes pale.

"Hello... What do you mean, especially with me?!" Nevaeh questions, now standing between Killian and I.


"Okay so, there's a reason that you're here."

"Yea I know, to be apart of a community separate from the society or something." I answer.

"Well yes, that's a reason. Not the reason." Louis explains. "You wanna explain this to her Killian or should I go on?"

"Explain what."

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