Chapter 14.

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Nevaeh's POV:

"So, what was that about?"

Her questions forces me to tear my eyes off of the two guys. I already know today is going to be a lot to take in.

"Hmm?" I reply knowing full well what she's referring to but not willing to entertain the question.

"Nevermind." I feel her glance on me and know for sure she has a smirk on her face. "First things first, let me explain the layout of the camp." She continues.

"Every district/quarter in our base is labeled by astrology sign, each zodiac has a major focus in the community. Majority of Capricorns work in the med bay, while the majority of Aquarians work as trainers. Pisces are the recruiters, Aries are the builders, Taurus are designers, Geminis are best known for teaching, Cancers are nurses so also in the med bay with capris. Leos are also known as strategists, Virgos are known best for researchers, Libras are usually the peacemakers, Scorpios as engineers, and last but not least Sagittarius are the travelers. I know that it's a lot to take in, so you don't have to actually remember the jobs or anything."

"Okay, so basically if your born into the quarter of Pisces, your Pisces. And so, you have to be a recruiter?"

"Well actually your tribe or quarter is determined when you're born, to be more specific the day and month you're born. As for the jobs they aren't forced to work anywhere, the jobs are there to serve as options that are beneficial to the community. Killian for example is a libra but he works as a field recruiter."

"Oh, that seems very different."

"Yea its always a challenge for the newest members."

"Wait do you mean I'm not the only who's from the barrier?"

"Yes, we all originated from the barrier, saved from society and started as rookies. Everyone but the elders, they come from before the barriers were fully built and each planet completely colonized. It was during a time when humans weren't completely under the control of the men in grey and freedom existed. But everything ends I guess."

The older lady sighed and looked as though she were thinking of how that time looked, a time that was long before me and I'm guessing before her as well. However, what she had said did remind me of something very familiar...Beware the men in grey... the men in grey. I couldn't quite figure out where exactly I heard it from but instead of focusing on that I'm going to focus a bit more on the fact that I'm not in the barrier anymore, I'm in the middle of nowhere. The middle of fucking nowhere.

Leyva hands me a small rectangular device that I have never seen before. "They're called tablets, they're old tech so virtually untraceable by the barriers." She taps on the screen of the tablet and an image appears. "These are the symbols for each group, which you'll be able to find at the top of each gate. Underneath each symbol is a crown but that has more to do with overall camp, you'll learn more about it later. For right now just focus on settling into your group."

"And that is?"

"Right there."

She points towards a cabin up ahead; the cabins are farther away from market and spread a good distance away from each other with trees and more forest in between. We reach the cabin after a long walk; and I notice it looks bigger as I get closer.

"Inside you'll have your own room, but you share the cabin with a cabinmate. You're in quarter Virgo for right now but it's just until you take the test."


"Yeah the test that determines what your sun zodiac sign is. It's not hard and it has to do with the elements a lot more than anything else so don't worry about it. If you have any other questions Sadie should help out, good luck she's a... lot." She began to walk away from the cabin.

"Wait. One question." She stopped and turned around. "Where am I?"

"I told you you're at camp." She smirked. There was a glint in her eye that knew something, and it really got to me because I know that isn't the whole truth. Meaning that there is something that I don't know, something that I'm beginning to feel like I should.

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