Chapter 23.2 *So get over here, and make me* ˶⚈Ɛ⚈˵

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                                                      PREVIOUSLY ON... CELESTIAL BEAUTY

Louis figures out where Sadie's mission really was, and gets worried about her.Nevaeh meets with her aunts about the rescue mission.Louis + Ley exit the Elder's library.




"Ollie, this should be easy peasy. All you have to worry about is getting the parts."

Hmph. Easy peasy. Yeah right.

"Do we have to get it from here though?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yes, Ol. Don't worry though, it isn't hard at all. Plus the control room is almost always empty."

"That's not what I'm worried about, and you know it Evie."

I opened the door to the control room, and I step onto the glossy floor that reflects the orange light of planet Red's sunset.

"I'm in." I respond to Evie.

"Alright, good job. So on the right of the front panel, there's a tiny screen in the shape of a square, you see it?"

"Uhhh." I look around the front the panel and spot the tiny screen. "Yeah, now what?"

"Alright so, leave the chip on the screen until you hear a beep and-"

The door's handle turns and footsteps get louder.


I duck and run across the control room, sneaking into a server closet.

"Commander, you have an incoming call from secretary grey. Should I put it up on the holo screen?" A voice closest to the controls asks.

I peek out through a tiny opening in the door.

Standing near the controls, dressed in all red is what I assume to be the assistant to the commander. He's short and lean, with a holo pad tucked in his arms as he types into the main controls.

"Yes, pull it up."

Farthest from the control board, dressed in all white is obviously the commander.

If looks could kill, everyone she looked at would be dead on sight.

She take her place in the center of the room, in front of the holo screen.


I can't see the screen from here but the room immediately goes still.

"Good evening, commander. Status report."

"The students have finished touring Planet Red, and we are heading out to Orange tonight, Sir."

"Good, what about the situation?"

"It is being handled Sir. For now we have alerted the officials on Blue, and kept it on the low."

"Is Blue aware of the capture on sight order?"

"Yes, sir."

Capture on sight?! Oh shit.

"Have the others made a move?"

"No, Sir. Not yet, at least."

The others? I have a very good feeling they're talking about Evie, Cass, and I.

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