Chapter 23.1: *Team work makes the dream work, honey* ;p

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"Hey Sadie, mission check in."




Shit. I take the ear piece out of my ear and sit on the floor

Sadie must've been captured. I mean why else would she not be responding? What if its worse though? What if she's...

NO. I am not gonna think about that. I should probably go ask Ley where Sadie's tracker was last updated in the barrier.

I slowly push myself up off the floor and walk to the door. Killian walks around the corner and almost bumps into me.

"Oof sorry about that I'm completely zoned out. By the way you know the elders are briefing Nevaeh about the plan in the map room right? Don't you wanna be in on it?"

"What plan?"

"The plan to get her friends back." His face gets tight, he must notice how shit I look right now. He rests his hand on my shoulder.

"Hey, are you okay, you look-"

"Like shit, yeah I know." I cut him off and shrug his hand off.

"Well I was gonna say shaken up but yeah."

"I'm fine, I just need to talk to Ley. You know where she is?" I look ahead of him.

"Yea she's in the map room with Nevaeh."

"Alright, thanks." I start to walk past him but he steps in front of me.

"No problem. Just saying though, if you ever need to talk I'm here." He says with a concerned look on his face.

I sigh.

"I know Kil, and thanks. Really." I nod and walk around the corner.


"Wait so, you're telling me my friends are two planets away?" I hear Nevaeh ask through the door.

I'm paused right outside the map room and decide to take a breath before I walk in. I don't want anyone figuring out about Sadie yet. Not until I've got something at least.

I open the doors and enter the room. Everyone looks up from the map roundtable. Ley, standing on the opposite sides of the bookshelf perks up first.

"Hey Louis what's up?"

"Nothing I was just looking for you."

"Well I'm very flattered, but you're definitely not my type Lou." She smirks.

I roll my eyes. " Ley, you know I wouldn't ever dream of it." I joke.

Her face falls but the tiniest smile is present.

She laughs quietly.

"Hey guys? I know this is probably important, but do you want to, oh I don't know maybe take this somewhere else?" Nevaeh inputs.

I haven't really spoken to Nevaeh since she got here, but I remember she looked pale when she first arrived. Her face has much more color in it now, at least she looks alive.

"Sorry Nevaeh, I just really need to talk to Ley real quick." She nods her head in response and I walk back out into the hallway, joining Ley.

After the door shuts behind me I realize Ley's staring at her phone.

"Alright so what's up?" She asks without looking up.

"Where's Sadie?" When I ask the question, her hands tense up the slightest bit and I can tell she's trying to avoid something.

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