Chapter 7.

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My telecom buzzed, letting me know that the nova reached the first destination on our trial. The blue planet being exactly that. There isn't much I know about it besides the fact that it's the family planet, which keeps the peace. Everyone who works there primarily deals with emotions and dealing with them. They also deal with peace treaties with other worlds and sectors of space.

As I got out of the room Evie was leaning against the wall next to my door.


"1202" she says in return. She leans closer to whisper "So where'd you go?"

"I'm not sure what you're referring to 1201, but are you ready for the tour today? I hear it is going to be very engaging" I say louder than a whisper. She peers at me, knowing I'm playing a game.

With a smirk on her face she says "Oh of course, I can't wait to see what this planet is like. It might just be calling."

"Good to hear, on that note would you like to accompany me to the lobby?"

"I thought you'd never ask." She links arms with mine as we walk towards the lobby.

A couple of hours into the tour I realize how there is a beautiful consistency to the planet. With the uniforms everyone is wearing, the group stands out. The guides have told us that we should stay close, but if we do find ourselves lost two taps on our transmitter will lead us back and notify the rest of the group.

Evie and I talked about the party and what happened. I told her about meeting the stranger and the cards. I didn't however let her in on the flash drive or the fact that I kept the cards. The reason isn't anything bad, I just want to figure what it all really means.

"And now we're going to take a short break, before going onto the main tower that powers the barrier. Remember to stay close everyone."

Evie grabs my arm and heads inside the building closest to us. Speed walking to the nearest bathroom and then stops. "Wait here, I will be right back." She went inside, and I leaned against the wall waiting.

That's when I saw something weird through the window at the end of the hall. A dark figure standing by a building staring right back at me.

I started to turn around to check if anyone was behind me and my vision went black. Last thing I heard before it all turned off was a soft and unfamiliar accented voice whispering, "Hello lovely, nice to finally meet you."

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