my best friend

581 11 1

danny. melo.

hey, i literally just
turned my phone back
on. and i'm sorry i missed
it shit got hectic

oh gotcha

how'd you do?

you didn't even watch
it on live?

i didn't have my phone
but i would've if i could've


how'd you do?


no details? i saw your
stats and what not but
i like when you tell
me from your pov😻

it was good, i did good

are you ok

yeah why

idk r u mad

no why

just making sure

delivered for 2 hours

i'm bored

oh ya

yeah wyd


yeah me either

delivered for an hour


literally the same thing

hey we should do
the yoga challenge when
we see each other


watch that

oh i see

yes wanna do it

if you want

do you want to

if you want

we don't have to
that's why i'm asking

oh ok

guess what

delivered for 30 minutes

i love you❤️

and miss you


sorry i got busy for a sec

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