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"nigga i'm bored asf can we go somewhere" dre groans while playing on his phone, laying in my bed.

"where do you wanna go" i say barely paying attention because i was playing fort. "let's go swimming" he replied.

"uhh" i mumbled as i was completely concentrated on the game "oh shit, oh shit , OH SHIT" i yell throwing my controller into a pile of dirty clothes on my floor. "bro your trashhhh" by brother zo says sticking his head in my door way.

"nigga u wasn't here for da other games" i defeated myself. "come on melo we're not playing fort the whole damn summer, let's go swim." dre insists.

"ight i'll meet you down there" i say taking off my head set. "actually i was thinking we could go to the public pool" he says getting off my bed. "ew why" i said not understanding why we didn't jus swim in mine. " because bro POOL HONEYS" he answered. "u right u right" i said laughing.

"she say do u luh me i tell her only partly i only luh my bed and my mama i'm sorry, ayyy" me and dre sing and mess around on our way to the pool. as we pass 7/11 dre says "ayo let's go get sum to drink it's hot asf" "good looks mani" i relay as we turn around and head for the door

i was wearing black jeans on top of my swimsuit and a white tank top.

as soon as we hit the drinks the air from the freezers relieved me from the heat.

"ay i look good" i told dre as I looked at my reflection in the door of the freezer. "boy you nasty" he replied grabbing a tea. "let's take some flicks" i say to him rubbing my face. "ayo will u take some pics for us" dre asked this white kid. he had no problem doing it. me and d started posing like models.

 me and d started posing like models

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(jus act like he 16 in dis😭)

"excuse me" a soft voice came from behind. i didn't even respond the cuz i was in my zone.

"i said excuse me!" the voice was raised.

i stopped everything i was doing and i slowly turned around to see who was interrupting my photo shoot.

my eyes landed on a tall girl with lang ass blonde curly hair. she had the definition of and angel/baby face. she had an oversized shirt that looked to be a school i've never heard of.

"can i help you?" i asked as politely as i could. "yah you can move out of the way please." she said with such attitude.

i normally woulda said something smart back to her back to her but it was the kinda attitude you never knew you needed until that very second.

she stood there with her arms crossed sucking get teeth and tapping her foot waiting for us to move. dre ofc already moved because he's a pud.

"do you even know who i am" i asked because no one in this town ever talked to me like dat.

i was a celebrity pretty much. everyone loved me and my brothers for our basketball talent.

"um no i don't, but what i do know is i'm thirsty and your in my way" she snapped back.

i didn't mean to sound cocky but i definitely come off like that.

"we got a feisty one dre" i put my hand over my mouth and fake whispered to d loud enough so she could hear.

she let out the slightest 'are you serious' kinda laugh. she took her arm and softly moved me to the side. she was tall but not tall enough to reach the purple fanta she wanted. i laughed slightly as she reached and reached.

"here mamas let me help you" i say reaching over top of her grabbing the drink. i tried giving it to her but she looked at me in disgust. "i'm not your 'mamas' and i can do it myself" she says. for a replacement she grabbed a red like mine. "at least you have good taste" i say as she walks away. "it was the only color i could reach" she says.
"kids these days, am i right?" i say looking at the white kid laughing

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