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*3rd pov*

In the snowy North of Japan we open to a snowy forest the snow falling thick blanketing the trees and grass, we also see a large 3 story traditional house with large grounds around it cut off with a wall.

Screams ring out from the house as we zoom into it seeing a young woman running down the halls, hot on her heels is a demon shaped like a spider with a human top half with eight eyes and long hair.

Demon:Come one! JUST GIMME A TASTE!!

She trips on her own kimono before bareling through a paper door and into a large dojo area, she quickly rolls over before slowly crawling away from the demon in front of her.

(I'm making it so some demons from dmc aren't mindless and can speak

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(I'm making it so some demons from dmc aren't mindless and can speak.)


The demon inched closer before pinning her down by the shoulders.

Demon:Oh I won't kill ya.... BUT YOU'LL WISH I DID!!! HAHAHA HAHAHA!

The demon started ripping off her dress as she started crying begging for the beast to stop, it destroyed half of her skirt most of her left sleeve and a part of the side before somthing could be heard behind them.

*Thud* *Thud* *Thud* *Thud*

Demon:HAHA! Who dares-


The demon was about to move but stopped, the woman slowly looked up seeing the demon had stopped doing anything. Then suddenly it's head split open diagonally with the top half slowly sliding off and falling to the floor with a thud, she quickly backed away as the rest of the body turned white and crumbled to Ash.

She was breathing heavily having just been attacked by a demon and surviving, but her troubles weren't over yet.

As she was backing away her back hit somthing, and it wasn't a wall. Looking up she saw a young man around 20.

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