Chapter 5:The Hashira

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*3rd pov*

It's currently morning in the same town we had seen Vergil and Rengoku stay at, zooming in onto the outskirts of town we see a small Hotel nestled in between two larger buildings with noticeably more modern looks.

Inside we see Vergil on his side of the room doing his morning workout, 100 pushups, 100 sit ups, 100 pull ups and then an hour of meditation and magic training. This is why he had gotten up today at 3 in the morning as the sun first started cresting over the nearby hills and mountains.

It's now 5 in the morning and Vergil is about to get breakfast started for both him and Rengoku, speaking of which she is currently sleeping on her bed on the other side of the room lying down in a strange position, she had her face in her pillow with her ass in the air and her arms laid back.

Sighing as he gazed at the strange position she was in Vergil shook his head before walking down stairs to make breakfast.

*Vergil pov*

Walking down stairs I walk into the dining room, the old couple who run this place had layed a few sandwiches and different foods out for early risers. This won't do at all.

Walking to the back I use yamato to portal to the other side of the door, yea I could've just broke in like a normal person but where's the motivation in that? Looking around I walk over to a pantry In the corner before routing through it, good they have enough to make some mains dishes with a couple sides, with enough to spare.

Taking out what I need I lay it out on the table next to me before turning on the stove heating it up before waking a pan on it oiling it up.

*Cooking time skip brought to you by Vergil dressed as Gordon ramesy*

Laying out the dishes on the dining room table I run through what I've made: spicy Mapo tofu with a side of garlic bread and sake. Looking at the food I recall where I had learnt the recipe, I was looking around a medium sized coastal town when I had met a priest. We had gotten along with both of us having similar personalities but like everything else it had to end, before I left he had insisted that he teach me the recipe of his 'Killer' mapo tofu.

I'm brought out of my thoughts by two sets of footsteps I look up seeing the two old people who run the hotel, they had started to put on aprons before noticing me.

Old woman:Oh? What are you doing up. So early dear?

Old man:And what's that delicious smell?

I gesture to the table before speaking.

Vergil:I had made Mapo tofu for you, think of it as a thanks for the stay.

They quickly nod before sitting at the table, as they ate they gave their thanks before I quickly jot down the recipe handing it to the old man. Taking mine and Rengoku's plates up to our room I slowly open the door seeing her still asleep, though shes now on her side cuddling her pillow.

Chuckling I lay our plate on a side table before walking over to her, gently shaking her shoulder. She stirs awake sitting up rubbing the sleep from her eyes, looking around she smiles when her eyes land on me. Cute.


She salutes making me chuckle a bit I gesture over to the plates with her giggling like a school girl as she jumps forward taking the bowl as well as the small spoon I left in the plate, she sits on the bed with crossed legs before taking a massive bite her face quickly turning red.

Rengoku:IT'S SO HOT!

She takes another huge bite.

Rengoku:But ish sho good~!

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