Chapter 8:Pillars First Hunt

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*3rd pov*

A few days after the battle Vergil left the Hashira Hq abruptly and without warning with a cold yet pissed of look on his face, not even Rengoku knew where he was going or why.

Cutting a few miles away from the Hq we see Vergil walking through the woods his sword in hand and the pissed off look still on his face, walking faster he steels his face picking up the pace before eventually breaking out into a sprint parkouring through the underbrush until jumping up several trees leaping above the treeline.

As he did he saw a nearby village in flames, demons basically flooding the streets the terrified scream of villagers ripping through the peacfull night air, glaring towards the village Vergil slashed under him causing space to fracture and a blue fiery portal to appear.

Falling into it he appeared in the village Square instantly unsheathing his katana and blitzing through the demons that where there.

Vergil:4 streets, hordes of demons...

As the demons where alerted to his presence they swarmed him through the 4 main streets that funneled them into the centre of the village, getting into his stance Vergil stayed calm as fire erupted from the souls of his feet.

Demon #666:SON OF SPARDA!!!

Breathing out Vergil Vanished.

Demon #666:Wha-?

The demons head burst like a watermelon as Vergil is seen with his weapon in a slash position before vanishing into another flash of blue, just like the first many demons met the same end with them falling to the floor in a bloody mess as blood, guts and limbs are thrown a haphazardly through out the town leaving a smaller yet still overwhelming horde of demons.

Sliding to a stop at the end of a large street Vergil lost his composure slightly growling his words out to the approaching demons.

Vergil:You're wasting my time!

Dodging several ice blasts he ran up the street deflecting several more magical blasts before quick drawing his blade trapping the first wave of demons in a cyclone of blade slashes, jumping over one of said demons he pulls out mirage edge delivering hard strikes to multiple airborn demons throwing them to the ground with them exploding seconds after.


Landing with one last slash he switched to beowolf punching the closest demon in the face shattering it, at this point the demons surrounded the demon hunter with Vergil Finnaly noticing a large sword and shield wielding demon using the towns fountain as a chair to watch the fight.


Sensing a slash he blocked above him sending chills down his attackers spine, spinning on his heel Vergil punched him before dispersing some demon energy from his body making the rest of the surrounding demons burst into flame. Slowly looking over his shoulder he saw the demon stand up proudly before getting his sword into a reverse grip.


Slashing it up the Sword scraped up the ground before sending a golden slash of energy towards the demon hunter.


Taking out Yamato vergil quickly summuns several swords to block the attack not flinching, even when the blast was inches from his face. Crouching into his stance he smirks.

Vergil:Show me your power.

Roaring the demon charged.


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