Chapter 2: Training.

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*3rd pov*

Walking through a dense forest we see Vergil as well as the others. It's a dark yet calm night with the light of the moon illuminating their path with a pale blue light, Nezuko had recently woke up and was explained on what was going on by Tanjiro.


Looking back Vergil saw that both Nezuko and Tanjiro were very hungry as seen by them holding their stomachs in pain.

Vergil:*sigh* There's a temple up ahead we'll stop their and eat.

When they heard this the two cheered much to Vergil's annoyance, Aiko found it cute as if she was with her own children.

As they approached the temple they knew somthing was off, the walls had small blotches of blood sneering it, the door was left open and many of the decorations and wards had been broken.

Vergil:Go check it out Tanjiro.

Tanjiro:Why do I have to?

Vergil:You need to learn how to defend yourself against demons and people,and how would you learn that!?

Tanjiro:Fighting demons.

Vergil just nodded before pushing the young man forward making him stumble a little bit before he put down the large basket he had made for his sister and approached the temple with his axe in hand, as he approached the door he saw within the demon eating a young girl.

Tanjiro tried to sneak up on the demon but a creaky floor board prevented that, whipping his head around the demon glared at the young boy blood still dripping from it's maw.


Rushing at the Boy he tried to slash through the Boy but was blocked sloppily by him, he was thrown back through the sliding door and out into the temples garden.

Vergil:Axe up!

Doing so Tanjiro blocked a second strike from the demon only being pushed back a small bit, the demon raged slashing at the Boy repeatedly making a few cuts. Seeing an opportunity Vergil called out to the Boy.

Vergil:Slash him now!

Doing so Tanjiro slashed diagonally up the demons chest causing it to falter, just before the demon could recover he felt a large impact on the side of his face. Nezuko had ran forward before kicking him in his head like a football, petting his little sister on her head Tanjiro started praising her.

Tanjiro:Good job Nezuko-Chan!

As they were celebrating they had no idea that the demon was slowly regenerating his arms where his ears were supposed to be, the demon leapt towards them with his claws extended giving them no time to dodge.


They turned seeing it's claws inches away from their faces, until.


A blue sword shot between the two twins impaling the demon to a nearby tree by it's hair, it struggled for a moment before trying to pull the ethirial sword but stopped when it burned his hands.

Before anything else Vergil blurred forward stabbing the body of the demon causing it to flail about before disintegrating into ash.

Turning to the two kids Vergil spoke.

Vergil:Now go deal with the head.

They nod walking over to the pinned head as another voice called out to them.

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