Chapter 16:second Meeting

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Slowly waking up from my sleep I see that the sun is beginning to set, it seems my sleep schedule has changed in order to keep up with this job that's been thrust upon me. Looking around I see that everyone is still asleep, with the kids sleeping together huddled up by the fire, Jorōgumo being next to me wrapped up in a spider silk blanket.

..... Cute.

Getting up I start walking around the area careful not to disturb any of Jorōgumo's webs as not to disturb her. Getting to the head of the camp I see my crow as well as two others flying over head, that should only mean one thing... More demon slayers.
Slowly turning around I suddenly duck feeling the wind above me shift as a sword is trusted through where my head once was, turning I slam my fist into their stomach in a sudden burst of power pushing them back.

Shinobu:My my, still as fiesty as ever aren't you demon?

Vergil:Why so hostile huh?

Shinobu:I'm sorry but we've been tasked with bringing you and your little group in-

Giyu:Through any means.

Turning I see giyu flanking me.

Vergil:If you would've just asked I would have came peacefully.

Giyu's eyes widening for a moment he looks past me to Shinobi and then back to me.

Giyu:What's that supposed to mean?

Smirking I crouch suddenly appearing further away from them making them get into their respective poses.

Vergil:Now you'll be going back in a box!

I should proberbly take out one before I try and deal with the other one. Not like I need to stratergize any way.

Blitzing past Shinobu my foot connects with Giyu's gut sending him flying away, appearing at the other end of the forest I switch to the beowolf catching a flying giyu by the face before smashing his head i to the ground.... I don't know why but beating this guy up Feels natural... And I have the Intense urge to make dad jokes as I do so.

Quickly shaking off the urge I throw the man through several trees before appearing above him, a symbol appearing under my feet as I use it to spring board off of.

Suddenly switching to the yamato I slash into Giyu, the man recovering blocking my sword, the both of us crashing to the ground as he let's out a pained gasp.

Vergil:Just give up!

Kicking him into the air I sheath my sword before performing several judgement cuts, the man's body being ripped to shreds by the yamato as he goes flying into a tree, the tree crumpling around the man's body as he hits the trunk shattering it slightly.

Vergil:Shouldn't have attacked me.

Blocking to my left I block a strike from a very mad Shinobu.

Shinobu:I will make you pay for what you did to me!

Vergil:you will try...

In a blitz of speed I grab her face before running around the forest hitting her head off of every tree I can, before finally returning to the spot we started in spiking her head into the floor like a football destroying the floor beneath me. The woman surprisingly getting up despite her many head wounds.

Getting back into my stance I block her sword strikes, despite how fast they are each one appears to be in slow motion... I swear if it wasn't for these damn kids I would have found Dante already.

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