Chapter 19:Zzzzzzzz....

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*3rd pov*

????:This is going to be so fun...!

Opening up to the top of an old steam train we see it blazing a trail through a large dense forest, a well dressed man standing upon it like it was nothing, only wearing a nice suit.

Yet as we pan around to his face we see the distinct kanji of lower moon rank one embedded in his eye, demonic tattoos and features running rampant on his young face.

*Vergil pov*

Somthings... Not right.

Quickly looking around I examine the train, everyone seems normal just passangers and staff that would usually be found on a train like this, maybe it's-

My eyes landing on a boof in the corner I sense a disturbance there, not the one that I felt before however, just an overwhelming feeling of fear and bloodlusy eminating from that booth imparticular.

Rengoku:Are you alright Vergil!?

Darting my eyes back over to her I speak.

Vergil:That booth over there reeks of trouble, somthings wrong.

Rengoku:How many do you think we're dealing with.

Vergil:At most maybe 8... 6 on the lowest.

The woman leaning forward in the booth she starts displaying seriousness I haven't seen before from her.

Rengoku:One for each of us?


Rengoku:Any clue on the abil... Ability...

What? Looking back to rengiku I see that she's fallen asleep, her arms folded under her brests her cloak covering most of her, the boys being asleep as well with inosuje lying across zenitsu and tanjiro having slumped against the window.

Vergil:The d-demon... I can't... Fall asleep...

Getting up from my seat I see the people from the boof get up too, my movements being slower than usual as I stumble out of my seat... It seems that everyone else in the train cart has fallen asleep too.

????:What the hell!?

???:I thought Enmu's spell worked on every human.

???????:Yea well I guess he's resistant somehow.

Taking out the Yamato slowly I point it to where the voices had come from, with a quick lunge I thrust forward only for my sword to be met with solid wood. My eyes opening for a moment I see the shattered wood of the back door before I yawn and return to darkness, the voices returning.

???:Make sure you don't go near that guy.

????????:Of corse.

Cmon stay awake! I need to... Need to... I need...

???:Wakey Wakey~.

My eyes slowly opening I rub the sleep out of them, a bright light making me shut them quickly as they adjust, wait, am I on a bed. Patting the bed beneath me I'm suddenly picked up out of it making me gasp.

???:C'mon honey you'll be late for breakfast.

Fully opening my eyes I see a sight I never thought I'd be able to see again.

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