Chapter 7:Meeting

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*3rd pov*

With small taps as their shoes tap against the hard oak wood floor we see both Rengoku and V on their way to the court yard, Rengoku is fidgeting with her fingers while V is non chalontly reading his book of poems.

With a nervous face she turns to the Mysterious one.

Rengoku:What do you think he wants?

V:Well it can't be-

Suddenly she grabs him by the Shoulders before shaking him making his head comically head bang violently.

Rengoku:What if we're gonna be punished! Whatiftheytryandkillyou! WHATIFTHEYWANNA-

Grabbing Rengoku by the face V makes her look at him as her face is squished against his hands.

V:Calm down, I'm sure what ever they have in store we'll deal with it.

With a nod and a smile Rengoku wiggles her way from his grip before grabbing him tightly by the arm surprising the Mysterious one at the amount of force sge applied.

Rengoku:Then what are we waiting for!!! Let's go!


But before he could get another word out he was ripped from his spot as Rengoku ran down the hall and towards the court yard, almost as fast as you could say 'Slay all...' they found themselves slap bang into the middle of the Hashira Court yard behind what V assumed was the other Hashira.

(Ignore Rengoku he's still a girl)

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(Ignore Rengoku he's still a girl)

Turning to the two the other Hashira stare down the two.

*V pov*

So these are the Hashira I've heard so much about? I can practically feel the bloodlust oozing off of them except that one with the prayer beads, I can only feel sadness and curiosity from him.

Sighing I start walking towards them much to Rengoku's surprise.

Getting about 5 ft away from them I put my cane on my arm before bowing, looking up I say.

V:Good day to you all, you may call me V.

They look like they're about to say something but the sliding doors ahead of us suddenly open up making them all, including Rengoku, line up and Bow towards it. Angrily Rengoku marches over before making me kneel as the two girls we saw from before walk out with....a blind man?

a blind man?

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