Chapter 6:The Mysterious One

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* 3rd pov*

Standing there was what appeard to be a young man of 19, smaller than Vergil and much skinnyer though he was still as tonned as Vergil and even had tattoos. The demon slayers knew that whoever this is was not Vergil, he was basically the complete obvious. Spitting towards the man Sanemi wiped the blood from his cheek staring intensely at the man.

Sanemi:So... You think the name and clothes change is gonna scare me. *Mockingly* V.

V: Of corse not, it wouldn't be much of a fight if you got scared by that. Especially after I granted your request.

Sanemi:What request!?

Griffon:What! You got memory problems or something kid? You told him not to use his demon powers.

V nodded to his friend before looking towards the Hashira with a smirk.

V: Precisely my friend.

Sanemi took in the information before laughing hard, getting into his stance he glared at the man in the eyes only to be angered even more by his lack of fear or care.

Sanemi:I'll rip you in two.

Bursting forward he sliced at the man only for the panther next to him to transform into a haggerd blade of dark black metal or even ooze blocking his attack before pushing him back, angry he charged again only for the bird to dive bomb into him knocking him into the air before electricuting him.

V: Slice 'em! Shadow.

With a point of his cane The panther now k own as shadow jumped into the air turning into a large saw blade before ramming itself into Sanemi, he was able to block but the spinning of the panther pushed him back sending him hurdling to the ground. At this point Rengoku started laughing seeing V standing back reading from his book.


Grithon fired several lightning bolts at the demon slayer before they where parried away by him, Sanemi smirked liking down his blade.

Sanemi:I'm learning your moves you edgy fuck!

Glaring at him V slammed his cane down before pointing at the man.

V:This is your misery!

Grithon hit him into the air before a large lightning bolt crashes into his chest sending him careering towards Shadow only for his face to morth into a mass of spikes before shooting out spikes, Sanemi tried to block as many as he could before something connected with his knee making it buckle, looking down he saw V's cane had been thrown impaling itself into the back of his knee.


The cane shon a brilliant purple before V Teleported to the cane.

Sanemi:Shouldn't have done that bastard!

His reactions where faster than V's so he was able to impale him through the gut before kicking him off and through a few trees, V recovered by grabbing hold of Griffon's legs letting him gently lower him to the ground.

Griffon:C'mon V we have to end this before your body gives out.

Chuckling V responded.

V:You forget dear Griffon, we are still apart of Vergil. Though our demonic power is restricted it's no longer limited.

Using his Book V replenished both his health and his demonic power. Smirking he got an idea before blocking a powerful strike from Sanemi before pushing him back.

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