Chapter 4:relaxation

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*3rd pov*

It's a warm day and we see an unassuming cobble stone path, two stets of boots can be heard as we zoom out to see our resident demon hunter as well as his sun themed companion walking down the path.

Rengoku was currently badgering Vergil with questions about what his life's like and mundane things like this, with a Vergil throughly face palming he responds.

Vergil:Woman can you calm down, for five minutes!

Rengoku smiled.

Rengoku:Ha! If you wanted some peace you should've just said so silly.

The demon hunter grumbled at the woman's antics before settling into the peace and quite of the walk, birds were chirping, deer were frolicking and the two were simply-


Rengoku had suddenly booped the demon hunters nose making him growl in annoyance, turning to her he grabs her shoulders stopping her and turning her to him.


The woman in question only pointed forwards making Vergil look towards the distance seeing one of the last towns before the demon slayer Corp HQ, calming himself down Vergil let go of the woman before holding the bridge of his nose.

Vergil:*Sigh*Thanks Rengoku..... Let's go.

The girl nodded before following along with the demon hunter.


It turns out the entire town is a hot-spot for demon slayers since they were littering the streets, it only makes sense since this is the nearest town to the demon slayers most popular Hq. Other people would've thought it was good that the town was thriving like it was, unfortunately Vergil is not other people. He's been walking down the street a lot more tense then when he was on the open road while wearing a fierce scowl on his face.

Rengoku noticed this before asking him.

Rengoku:What's up gloomy guts?

Vergil:It's nothing...

Rengoku:Ha! I'm not going to shut up about it till ya tell me.

Vergil:Fine! The amount of people here sickens me...

Rengoku cutely turned her head to the side confused.

Vergil:The amount of people here simply coasting here, no drive to get better, no need for improvement.... No motivation...

Rengoku simply slapped his back before laughing.

Rengoku:Hehe! Is that all, I know what you need!

She gets in front of the man before grabbing him by the shoulders.

Rengoku:We gotta make you relax a little!


Before he could protest he was dragged down the road towards the small shopping district of the town.
She first The golden haired girl dragged him down to a small tea house surprising the demon hunter, surely he though she would've taken him to some loud and obnoxious club or bar.

Vergil:What's this?

Rengoku smiled.

Rengoku:Well I thought you wouldn't like the club I would've ussualy went to, soooo we're here!

Vergil:That's unussualy mature of you...

The woman simply giggled before dragging the demon hunter inside. On the inside said shop it was styled like a sauna complete with bath tables as well as the obvious saunas at the back, grumbling Vergil realised why Rengoku wanted him to go to this specific tea house slowly turning to her in annoyance, the flame pillar whistling trying to act normal.

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