Chapter 11:Departing

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*Vergil pov*

Waking up bright and early like usual I get up, putting on my clothes I do my usual morning routine before ending it with a workout.

1000,push ups, sit ups, squats and a brisk jog around the mountain.

Midway through my run I sense I presence stopping me in my tracks as I look around.

Vergil:Show yourself bird!

Sudenlt a Crow bursts from the treeline landing on my shoulder, wait its bigger than a crow... Must be a Raven then.

Raven:*CAW* women disappearing in local town *CAW*, Strange demons sighted in mountain village!

Nodding to it the bird flies away leaving me to dwell on the information... The disappearing women is none of my concern at this point, yet... Somthing is telling me I need to investigate the mountain village.

Vergil:... How troublesome.

Summoning the yamato I slash the air before quickly teleporting back to Sakonji's shack, the old man as well as everyone else only now waking up from their rest.

Sakonji:ah vergil we just received-

Vergil:Two contracts, it's why I'm here.

Turning to Tanjiro he stand to attention.

Vergil:Boy you and the Nezuko shall go investigate the missing women, under stood?

Tanjiro:YES SIR!


Seeing her back straighten too I turn to her.

Vergil:Stay here and await other contracts, I will be taking the secind one myself.

Nodding she sits back down, good.

Vergil:Now Tanjiro how long do you think it will take you to get to your destination?

Tanjiro:Maybe three days. One or two if I push myself.

Nodding I start packing my things. It won't take me long to get there but depending on the level and power of demons I might be there for as long as Tanjiro, though I doubt it immensely.

Petting Nezuko on the head I say my goodbyes before cutting open a portal with the Yamato stepping through it.

Suddenly finding myself at the destination I look around seeing that I may have over shot the portal, I'm a few hundred feet above the town, despite it already being high up and nestled between two mountains.

It had normal Japanese architecture but its long since been ravaged and destroyed, bright fires and thick smoke now blanketing the town making it hard for me to get a solid idea of how big the town is or how many demons there are.

Vergil:... Unfortunate.

Checking my immediate surroundings it seems the demons havent gotten this far up yet, good. I have time to prep and survey a little longer.


Okay I've had enough.

Jumping off the edge I activate beowolf as I fall into the village, breaking through the thick clouds of smoke I finally see how many demons there are, an entire horde maybe 1000-2000 of medium to high level demons... Finally something interesting.

Spotting a demon below me I position myself into an axe kick bringing my foot onto its head making it explode in green group cushioning my fall.

With a small grunt I get up brushing myself off seeing that the demons have fiannly notices I'm there.

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