Chapter 17:Reputation

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*Vergil pov*

?????:Leave me! This is my fate my destiny! It always has been!

?????:No not again! I'm not leaving you again you bastard!

?????:You have no choice brother.... Return to your family.

?????:You fucking moron you are my family! Now let's just leave!

?????:......... It's funny... I always thought, had our positions where switched... Would our fates be different?


?????:What are you doing you idiot!?

?????:I'm not letting you hang all your sacrafices over my head like some sorta trophy!



?????:Let's see if our fates will change.


*At the Sparda mansion*

Waking up with a large jolt I look around my room, the room oy being illuminated by small lanterns dotted around the room and a dim ceiling light.

Vergil:... I need to take my mind off this.

Quickly getting out of bed I throw on my outfit making sure it is neat and tidy to my liking, summoning the yamato I walk out of my room and down the hallway checking on each one of the gaggle of kids I had collected.

Tanjiro was sleeping up against nezuko's box in his sleeping bag the gild habing curled up like a puppy against his chest.

Inosuke had also curled himself up in a weird position, he was on his arms and knees tucked up like a loaf... He really is a boar.

And finally the yellow one...zenitsu was it? He was in the corner huddles up in his sleeping bad with a large bubble of snot expanding contracting with his breathing.

Waking them all up with a kick I gather them in the main all around large table I had brought back from America.

Vergil:Good morning everyone.

Group:Morning vergil sense!/Morning old man/morninnng/UMU?

Sitting down they follow suit leading me to explain the plan for today, hopefully they will keep still.

Vergil:Have you noticed anything about the mansion?

Tanjiro:It's cold...

Inosuke:IT STINKS!

Zenotsu:There isn't any hot women-

Slamming my fist down I shout stopping them.

Vergil:WRONG! look around you.

Doing so they look at me blankly making my eye twitch a little before I Steel myself once again.

Vergil:The house is extremely bare.

Bringing out three maps I had stolen from the demon slayer hq I give them out, the map showing a zoom in area of the mansion and surrounding land.

Vergil:In order to get the funds to furnish the house you all will do jobs around town.

Zenitsu:Why? Don't we get paid?

Nodding I carry on, surprised the mongrel actually made a good point.

Vergil:Yes we do, though in doing this we also build trust with the surrounding population... Meaning when demons do move in we'll have more leeway.

They all ooo and ahh at my plan as expected, standing up I continue my explanation.

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