Chapter 10:The SwordSmith

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*3rd pov*

Its been a few weeks now since the initiation trials and Vergil is sitting peacefully on top of Mt Sagiri sipping from a tea mug whilst reading a book, zooming out however we see that he's gracefully balancing atop a large wood pole that he had placed at the precipit of the mountain. Behind him both Tanjiro and Aiko training on several of the same poles dueling echother with wooden katana's Vergil had made.

(Like that but with swords)

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(Like that but with swords)

Sipping on his tea once again he listens into the sword clashes.

Vergil:Tanjiro keep those legs apart.

Tanjiro:Yes sir!

Hearing a few other clashes he shouts again.

Vergil:Aiko get lower when using your quick draw.

Aiko:Of corse!

The three had gotten used to this routine, Vergil doing whatever he wants while he works both Iko and Tanjiro to the bone. Despite how they hated it they couldn't deny that they where getting better very very quickly.

Suddenly an old voice rings out through the mountain.

Sakonji:Vergil! Bring the children back now!

Sighing Vergil gets up.

Vergil:Come along then.

Nodding the two put away their weapons and start to walk along the poles to the edge of the mountain though they where struggling a little, in stark contrast Vergil speeded past them as if he was simply walking on solid ground.

Getting to the edge he opens a portal using Yamato letting the three instantly get to Sakonji's shack, being met with a strange looking man at the door Vergil gets into a stance.

Vergil:Who are you?


Running up He pulls out an intricately wrapped set of katana's.

Hotaru haganezuka:My name is Hotaru hagenazuka!

Hotaru haganezuka:My name is Hotaru hagenazuka!

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