Chapter 13:Drums Of War

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*Vergil pov*

Slowly stiring awake I get up, stretching my neck and cracking my back I look around sakonji's shack examining the damages I need to fix before I leave.

Getting up I maneuver myself around sakonji, walking outside I see that the only substantial damage is the door being shattered and the hole now present under sakonji's table.

Vergil:... Yea he's fixing that himself.

deciding that the old man. An do it himself considering he's the one who broke them... Well the door might be my fault but still.

Hearing a line crow fly over head I call it down, seeing that it's the crow that's been giving me missions, as it flies down I hold out my arm letting it roost there as it talks.

Crow:Demon spotted in Tsuzumi Mansion, Demon slayers: Inosuke, Zenitsu and Tanjiro on the scene!

Hmmm, I don't think I need to go there personally... Maybe, for some reason I have a feeling that this is important in some way.

Vergil:... Fine. Where us this mansion?

Crow:South East!

Vergil:No exact location?

Crow:*Crow sounds*


Crow:*More crow sounds* like that then.

Throwing it away it recovers mid air flying off, turning away from the shack I unsheath the Yamato cutting into the air creating a large portal.

Stepping through it closes behind me.

With a sigh I start looking around before sprinting into the forest jumping imbetween trees in order to gain height, quickly breaking through the treeline I manage to see a large mansion quite far from where I am. Maybe 300 metres at most.

Jumping from the tree I shoot off like a rocket through the forest, dodging trees and debrie I time myself as I run wanting to see if my skills have lessened at all. Suddenly making it to the mansion I break trough the from gate of the mansion shattering it and cementing my time.

Vergil:hmmm... 21 seconds. Not bad.

Hearing small scratching and snarling I look around quickly seeing a large wooden box laying up against a tree, quickly getting over to it I pull the box into the shade of the thick forest.


The noises suddenly stopping I hear a slight knock on the wood before-


Hm, its not like tanjiro to leave her out on her own like this. Unlocking it I see nezuko push her head out of it slowly before fully opening it with an adorable hum, composing myself I look down.

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