Chapter 18:All Aboard

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*Vergil pov*

Slowly rousing from my sleep I get up from my bed, doing my usual routine I work out and train with the yamato in the garden of my estate.

Doing this for a few hours I breath out my breath being clear in the the air as I sheath the Yamato, slowly coming out of my stance and standing up straight being alerted to the door by the sound of small footsteps. Not turning to the noise I speak.

Vergil:Tanjiro, if you have so thing to say say it.

Hearing the surprised gasps of not only Tanjiro but also Inosuke and Zenitsu.

Tanjiro:Sorry Vergil-San!

Quickly turning I see the three a few feet away from me, a look of both fear and nervousness on their faces. Staring them down I see the look intensifying.



Vergil:What do you want to tell me?

Tanjiro:Well i-

Zenitsu:C-Can I leave?


Seeing him shrink down behind tanjiro I nod for the boy to carry on.

Tanjiro:We... Have been requested by the flame Hashira.

My eyes widening slightly I quickly return to my glare this time the meer look making all of them shrink, the air getting colder around us I speak.

Vergil:What does she want?

Tanjiro:There's a train, she wants us to help her clear it out.

Vergil:Why has she asked for you three specifically? Wouldn't another Hashira be suitable.

Tanjiro:She also requested you...

Not answering him he carries on.

Tanjiro:So... She did, kinda... Since your a Hashira now.


Walking past them I go to enter the house ignoring the three I get inches away from the door only for tanjiro to
Call out to me.

Tanjiro:What are you scared of!?

Vergil:.... What?

Turning to him I see the boy uncharacteristically angry, why?

Tanjiro:Is it because she hurt you?

Walking forward I get in front of him, my glare softening and making it clear that I'm not angry about her.

Vergil:Tell me, if Zenitsu threatened your life. Would you then trust him to save it?

Tanjiro:Well i-

Vergil:Yes, or no!

Looking down he seems to get my point.

Tanjiro:No sir.

My tone adjusting a little I carry on.

Vergil:I hold no hate towards her, but if you expect me to place my life in the hands of what is basically a stranger, you're a fool.

Turning away I carry on as I walk back inside.

Vergil:Foolishness tanjiro, pure foolishness...

Opening the door I decide to leave them off with one final thing before shutting the door, leaving all three in the garden I hear them speak between each other on what they should do.

Vergil:Though you all can help, if you feel it necessary.

Quickly making it to the main hall if the building I see Jorogumo sitting at the dinner table, two large bento boxes layed out in front of her, sitting she finally speaks up.

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