Chapter 12:Stubbornness

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*Vergil pov*

Where am I...?

Looking around I find myself in a dark graveyard, my heads so fuzzy, looking around I see that it's night, the graveyard being flanked by thick oak and spruce trees, looking down I see that I'm fine...

No I was attacked.

I have... a large hole through my shoulder.

Or was it our chest.

Suddenly feeling the pain I collapse on a nearby tombstone clutching my wound, suddenly I start hearing a roaring fire in the distance the light for some reason bringing tears to my eyes.

Looking around I blink a horde of demons suddenly appearing. Like they just popped Into existence.

I don't have the Yamato.

I need to get up.... Wait. Blinking again the demons come closer my hand suddenly resting on a soft feeling cloth, quickly looking to my right I see the yamato laying in the grass next to me.

Feeling three objects pierce my back I shout in pain being way worse than I'm used to for some reason.

Vergil:Mamma... Pappa....

Wait I didn't say that. Did I? I didn't want to.


Gripping the yamato a sudden surge of anger rises from my chest, my small hands barely unsheathing the Yamato.


No its not... He didn't know.

Seeing in the distance a large Manor house burning I grit my teeth.


Wait... Please.

Vergil:SLAY ALL!

My vision fading I hear the sounds of clinking metal and falling bodies, the last thing I hear being the tap of small feet landing on hard stone a small click following it.


*Somewhere else*

Leaping up I hold my head in confusion, my entire body being sore and in pain from my previous battle.

Vergil:What was that?

Looking back on the demon I had fough the previous night, it all seemed very... Familier.

Yet I don't know why. But I'm going to find out.

Getting up from the bed I find myself in I quickly put my uninform on over my bandages before whipping my blanket in away so it falls into the bed perfectly, rummaging around the room I find the Yamato under the bed before strapping it to my hip and exiting my room.

Bumping into a large man outside that I remember from my initiation to be a pseudo pillar.

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