Chapter 1:the Boy And The Demon

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*3rd pov*

It was early morning in the chilly North of Japan and we see the rising sun crest over the horizon revealing the large House that our demon hunter had cleared out, inside one of the many rooms of the building we see Vergil working over a large brick cooker and stove making what seemed like scrambled egg and toast.

As he finishes up by tossing the toast up into the air and judgement cutting them into strips the wood sliding door to the right of him opens up, the woman from last night made her way into the room drawn by the smell of food.

He wasn't able to last night but now he was able to get a good look at the woman.

She was half a head smaller than vergil with light tan skin and round green eyes, she had white tomboyish hair that fell to her shoulders, wore a black shirt that was tucked into puffy black trousers that and tied with a white belt.

Vergil:Good, you're awake.

Woman:What are you doing here?!

Vergil huffed before taking two plates of scrambled eggs and toast over to a low table in the middle of the room.

Vergil:Making breakfast.

She sat down at the table with her arms folded with a small pout.

Woman:No! What I mean is, why the fuck are you in my house!?

Vergil took a bite of his toast before explaining.

Vergil:Your farther asked me to look after you before he... Died.

The woman looked down solemnly before she started picking at her food lighting up as soon as she took a bite, she started scoffing it down noisily as Vergil continued to eat his with elegance. A stark contrast to the woman I front of him.

Vergil:Once you've eaten, start packing we're leaving soon.

Woman:You can't just force me out of my house!

Vergil got up taking his plate over to a nearby sink.

Vergil:Stay here with your dead family then.

He walked out the room leaving the girl there shocked with her mouth a gape.

*Time skip*

Vergil is now seen leaning on the gate to the house reading a nicely decorated book with a 'V' on the cover, he's Brought out of his thoughts as the loud crunching of snow can be heard approaching him. Closing his book he turns to the noise.

Vergil:Took you long enough.

Woman:I'm sorry if I need more stuff than you Mr 'Too edgy for bags'!

Vergil:Let's just go.

He started walking off causing the woman to run up to his side, as they walk the girl gets fidgety making The demon hunter quite annoyed.

Vergil:What's wrong?

Woman:Umm. I never got your name.

He sighed thinking it was going to be a bigger question than his name.

Vergil:Sparda, vergil.

She nodded before responding.

Woman:sousuke, Aiko.

Vergil nodded as they continued on their way through the snowy forest.

*Few day time skip*

The duo is now a few miles into the forest and we're heading to a nearby town, they heard from a trader that all their coal is either traded for or sold to them by a small family near the mountains.

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