Chapter 9:Return

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*3rd pov*

The next night after the incident we see Vergil cutting down another horde of demons with his new weapons getting a good feel for their capabilities, killing the last demon by gruesomely slashing an X into their chest Vergil pointed one of his blades too the treeline as if he knew something was there.

Vergil:Show yourself!

*Vergil pov*

Looking to the treeline I know somethings there, I can't tell exactly where it is but it's definitely there. Slowly unsheathing my sword I'm about to send a judgment cut into the trees but just as I do so thing small and dark blue flies from it, sheathing it once again I calm down since it was only a bird. I think it's one of the ones that the demon slayers use to communicate.

Bird:*Caw!* demon pillar Vergil! New demon slayer requits have been chosen!

My heart dropping I grab the bird from the sky.

Vergil:are two of them Tanjiro Kamado and Aiko?!

The bird coughs the air slowly leaving its lungs.

Bird:*cough* Y....yes, Tanjiro and Aiko are a... A... Among the survivors...

Throwing it Into a tree I quickly turn around cutting a portal into the air letting it open in it's usual white and blue neon colour, stepping through I hear the bird fly away as it closes behind me. Walking away I find myself in the demon slayer Hq once more, making my way to Rengoku's room I pop in for a moment seeing her in her bed with her hands between her legs.

Vergil:I'll be back in a moment, picking up my- some kids.

She squeals as she scrambles to cover herself with her blanket.

Vergil:Looking good by the way.

I leave and close the door just in time to block a fiery sword the blade missing my face by a few inches, smirking I walk away all while Rengoku cusses me out from behind the door. Slicing another portal into the air I walk through again now finding myself in front of Sakonji's cabin, it was dark with the only thing lighting up the area being a warm orange glow from the cabin.

Walking up I knock the door as the old man quickly opens up.

Sakonji:Welcome Tan-

I sense him blink comically before he coughs.

Sakonji:Hello, Vergil.

Vergil:Hi old man-

I walk in seeing Nezuko Awake and well kneeling at a table, her eyes widen before running over and hugging my waist.....cute.patting her back I comfort her.

Vergil:It's good to see you too, now let's settle down and wait for your brother.

She gets off nodding before sitting back down with Sakonji sitting opposite her, sitting to the side I pull out my polishing kit before examining Yamato. It seems that blood has congealed in the small grooves of the hilt, the wrap around the hilt is coming off and the pummel's a bit loose. Sighing I start working and cleaning it.


Finnaly finishing Yamato I look around Sakonji being the old man that he is has gone to bed saying 'Tell em when the kid gets here', Nezuko however has just been watching me work on Yamato. Tilting my head I ask her a question making her jump.

Vergil:do you... Want one?

She springs up before balling her hands into fists, preparing for an attack in surprised when all she does is a... Happy... Dance? Shaking my head I smirk before patting her hewd getting her to calm down.

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