Chapter 14:Recon

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*3rd pov*

It's the dead of night, the tall trees surrounding our heroes shadowing the already impenetrable darkness in pitch black dark enough to loose one's self in, despite this however we see Vergil calmly walking through the thick darkness a large wooden box on his back.

Gracefully making his way through the rocky and uneven road Vergil is taken out of his thoughts by a anoying high pitched voice, like nails on a chalk board.

Zenitsu:Uhhhhhh, Mr Sparda... I-its getting dark-

Gritting his teeth he pushed on.

Vergil:It's been dark for hours you imbecile.


Vergil:But. Nothing. We walk till sunrise, besides we've only been walking for a day at most.

Zenitsu suddenly stamps his foot dropping to the ground before rolling in the dirt.

Zenitsu:NO NO NO! We've been walking for so long! I can barely see! what if we're attack by demons!!!!!

With a shout Vergil stops causing Tanjiro and Inosuke to bump into him before falling on the ground.


Quickly unsheathing his sword vergil turned left before walking a few feet into the forest, Zenitsu soon having another tantrum realising Vergil had left. Ignoring him Vergil quickly cuts down several logs, the large chunks of wood landing perfectly in a bonfire shape and several seats.

The lack of trees now making a small clearing.

With a snap Vergil Equips Barghest using it to set the bonfire alight gaining the attention.

Tanjiro:Ahh, a campsite!

Zenitsu:*SNIFF* That was fast.


Ignoring the group Vergil sits at the back of the bonfire setting down the wooden box the rest of the group following suit.

Vergil:Good, now sleep.

Almost instantly Tanjiro saluted before dropping down in his assigned spot, pulling the box over to himself as he wraps himself up in his coat using it like a blanket. The act slightly scaring the other two slayers.

Zenitsu:Is he... Always like this?

Sighing Vergil stares the two down.

Vergil:You would do well to be like tanjiro. Now...

The area suddenly growing colder a look of fear coming to zenitsu's face, a similar face of shock appearing on Inosuke's boar mask.


Zenitsu:Yes sir!

Scared Zenitsu does the same huddling by the fire, Inosuke quickly following suit Inosuke patted down a section of dirt near the fire before getting on all fours, spinning in a circle and curling up in a ball. A ball of presumably snot forming around the masks nostril as he breaths.

Vergil:Jesus... I could start an orphanage.

With a sigh Vergil walks off slightly into the woods, stopping by a large tree he raises his arm allowing his crow to land on his arm.

Crow:CAWWW! Mount Natagumo infested by demons, all demon slayers exercise caution when hunting!

Jumping a little he gets closer to Vergil's face.

Crow:In other news The Insect Hashira has made a full recovery after her battle with Vergil sparda!

Carressing his chin Vergil thinks.

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