Halloween Special!

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* 3rd pov*

(Alternate time line)

8:35pm October 31st, Redfield USA:

It's dark in Redfield and the streets are bussling with the sound and sights of devil's, witches, knights and princesses. The entire town was deep in the festivities of Halloween enjoying the many spooky treats and decorations, zooming in on the crowd we see a tall man clad in a blue, gold and white victoriana style outfit with a pocket watch and a long gold and white katana in his left hand.

Vergil was currently on his way to Devil may cry dressed as a victoriana vampire for one of Dantes epic Halloween party.

????:Wait up!!

*Vergil pov*

God dammit I thought I lost them! Turning on my heel I see the crowd part the street letting my Japanese guests run though, I shouldn't have let them come... Especially to one of Dantes parties!

Finally catching up to me I see Rengoku, Aiko also Tanjiro and his friends catch their breath in front of me.

Vergil:Hurry up, we'll be late at this pace.

Standing straight up Rengoku laughs.

Rengoku:Hehe! Of corse-

She turns to the others before slamming her fist down into her palms and speaking with her usual hyper active tone.

Rengoku:Let's go my young Slayers!

Aiko:At least let us catch our breath old lady!!

Before I could blink Aiko was knocked out and hoisted onto Rengoku's back. Slowly turning she glares at the other three with literal fire in her eye, speaking in a slow, menacing and uncharacteristically cold tone.

Rengoku:Anyone else wanna call me,OLD WOMAN?

The group:Nope/No ma'am/WHY WOULD I!!!!

Nodding a bit she returns to her usual tone.

Rengoku:Good, let's go Vergil!

Nodding slight I walk next to her as Tanjiro's group follows along closely behind, dear Sparda that Woman is scary when she wants to be.

Hmm, looking at each of our costumes I have to say I did a pretty good job at making them.

Rengoku is going as a Chinese vampire called a jiangshi. I made it so she has a long white, red and gold Chinese robe with matching hat, black thigh high boots and I even hand drew the talisman that hangs from the hat with an actual spell to wards off demons. For some reason though she she wanted a large boob window, weird.

Tanjiro is going as a water dragon so I made his regular clothes but with a blue and black patten, I painted blue metallic scales on his cheeks and even covers up his scar with gold makeup.

The pervert is going as a Samurai so I gave him a spare set of armour, It barely fits him but still I'm not making clothes for that freak.

Next is Inosuke, he wanted to go as a wearwolf so I offered to make him some fur clothes and hand claws. I gotta hand it to the kid though he spent a week hunting bears to make his costume, he has a bear skin coat that covers all his back, arms and has a bear face resting on his head that connects to the rest of it, bear claws and a bone decorated belt.

Finally Aiko Is going as a a snake woman, she's got a purple long sleeve robe on with high heels snake earrings and purple painted scales on her cheeks, hands and thighs.

Oh? We're already here.

Stopping at the stairs to Devil may cry I can already hear the thumping techno music and see the windows flash with different colors in time with the beat, looking over to the four they seem excited.smirking I get their attention.

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