Chapter 3: Demon Hunting

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*3rd pov*

Walking through a dark and gloomy forest we see our favorite demon hunter his coat bellowing in the wind and his sword at his side, he had just taken care of a large grouping of demons and of corse they're must be more or at least some sort of hide out they had.

Reaching a large opening in the forest he spotted a medium sized cabin down shack, the smell of blood and death permitting the air around it, slowly approaching the cabin Vergil slowly un-sheathed his Katana.

Vergil:Come out and I might spare your life...

The cold tone travelled through the shack scaring who ever was inside causing them to jump knocking several things over.

????:Ow.....Maybe if I sneak out the back I won't get caught, haha.

Vergil was annoyed by this they hadn't even bothered to whisper or anything.

Vergil:I heard you.

He saw a shadow in the house move before staying perfectly still as if they were trying to fool him into believing they had left, sighing he spoke to himself.

Vergil:Welp, I guess they're not here might as well leave.

And with that he stepped on the spot a couple of times making sure it sounded like he was walking away, a loud sigh echo'd through the cabin as the figure seemingly bought it as the shadow slowly moved out of the cabin a figure was seen emerging from the broken doorway.

Vergil was now leaning on his sword with a displeased look on his face as the figure fully emerged from the doorway.

(I found the art on Pinterest and there's an *Ahem* Thicker one if you guys wanna see that, he looks pretty good as a girl

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(I found the art on Pinterest and there's an *Ahem* Thicker one if you guys wanna see that, he looks pretty good as a girl.)

She was silently snickering to herself as she left with her eyes closed so she didn't see Vergil immediately, finnaly opening her eyes she saw the demon hunter with a displeased face yapping his foot against the ground.

Jumping back a little in surprise she laughed nervously with a smile.

????:Guess it can't be that easy huh.

Vergil huffed at this causing the girl to scratch the back of her neck anxiously.

????:Your not a demon are you? 'Cus if so that'd be bad.

Vergils glare hardened as he placed a hand on his sword.

Vergil:And what if I was?

The girl glared at he getting into a stance.

????:Then I'd have to kill you.

As the two were in their stand off the wind picked up as leaves fell around them, the wind was howling, the moon was revealed from under the dark clouds over head and they both gotten into their respective stances as the space around them heated up.

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