Nice gestures 3

138 3 1

"Tiffany it is not like that between me and him!" I looked at my roommate.
"Girl you don't gotta front if you wanna fuck him on the first date do it, ain't no shame." She waved me off and I chuckled putting on my heels.
"Your crazy." I grabbed my purse from The side as I looked down at my watch. 6:57.
"How do I look?" I asked biting my lip looking in the mirror.

"You look phenomenal

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"You look phenomenal. I'm definitely borrowing this dress from you." She walked over to the couch sitting next to Blake as he watched avengers.
My alarm went off and on cue a black Mercedes Benz pulled up outside. My heart started to beat out my chest as I applied lipgloss.
I looked at Tiffany helplessly.
"I don't wanna go." I said as I watched him get out his car.
"Girl bye, your going." She laughed
"I haven't been on a date in so long though like what do I say-."
"Just let him treat you Marnie, he seems genuine. He's a nice guy" she put her hands on my shoulders looking me dead in my eyes. I nodded taking In her words. He knocked on the door and I jogged giving my son a goodbye hug as he weaved his way out of my grip.
"Boy I remember when you used to love my kisses."
"I'm not a baby anymore mom." He mumbled
"Okay whatever love you! You too tiff." I gave her a hug as I opened the door. He stood on the other side looking more handsome than ever.
"Wow." We Both said as we took in each others attire. He had on a suit and tie with fresh pradas.
"You look beautiful." He said.
"Thank you. Your not too bad yourself."
He pulled out his hand and I held it as we walked to his car.
He held the door open for me and I got in.
I put on my seatbelt and we looked at eachother I giggled looking away.
"Stop looking at me like that." I mumbled.
"Why can't I look at the most beautiful woman in the world."
"What about your mom?"
"Never met her." He shrugged.
Way to kill the vibe Marnie.
"Oh my bad doc-"
"Keith." He corrected me.
"Sorry I'm still in mom mode." I looked down playing with My nails. he grabbed my hand leaning back in his chair.
"You ready to eat ma."
I hummed in response as I looked in his eyes. This man was truly beautiful.
"Don't fall in love yet." He chuckled.
"Boy please." I nudged him and his hand sat on my thigh.
I looked at him as he side eyed me smirking putting his eyes on the road.
within 20minutes we pulled up. He helped me out as we got seated at our table.
"Oo this is fancy."
"Only the best for the best." He smiled. We spoke about life and the food came.
I got a lobster tail whilst Keith got some steak. I bit into it and my face went sour. I looked up at him and watched him spit his food out into a cloth.
"$55 for this shit?!" I sat back and laughed. I looked at my plate to be ket with what looks like the smallest lobster tail in the world.
"Yeah this ain't bussin at all." He added. Well there goes me dressing up for no reason.
"What now?" I looked up as my hands held my face whilst leaning on the table.
"Back to mine for pizza?"
"Let's do it." We got out our chairs jogging out the restaurant. Keith refused to pay for a meal that we didn't eat so we got in the car and he drove off without any staff seeing us.
We arrived at his place and he opened the door for me. My jaw dropped.
"It's beautiful in here." I looked up at the lights that hung from the ceiling and the spiral staircase.
"Ahh it's nothing. I let My sister style the house she claims that I have no style."
"I meannnn." I looked at him pulling a face. He smacked his teeth throwing me over his shoulder and plopping me on the couch.
"Keith that is no way to treat a guest." He mimicked me plopping down next to me putting his head in my lap.
"You got a big Ass head too." I stroked his cheek. As he smacked his teeth going on his phone.
"What do you have on your pizza."
"Don't even go there girl, we not having no fruit on our damn pizza."
"What? Why not? It's nice." He Looked at me with a mug
"So all them pineapple juices can be..wait actually."
"Oh my gosh keep your head out the gutter." I mushed his head and he laughed getting off of me.
"Do you got something I can change into?" I was still in my dress and I just wanted to change so I could properly lounge.
He pulled out the drawer under the sofa and pulled out one of his tees. I gave him a dumbfounded look.
"This is going to be a dress on me." I put my hands on my hips and he mimicked my actions.
"What do you want me to do go shopping?" He threw his arms in the air jokingly.
"I think that's a great idea actually"
"At 8pm I think the fuck not." He stepped up to me and I crossed my arms.
"Well what am I going to do." I looked up at him.
"Your gonna go and change." He mumbled looking me up and down.
"And what if I don't." I smirked. He wrapped his arms around my waist. He lifted my chin tilting his head a lil. I wrapped my arms around his neck as my heart rate increased.
"Then your just gonna chill in your dress aren't you." He said pulling away. I pushed him rolling my eyes as he laughed his ass off.
"It's not funny."
"Go and change ma then we'll continue."

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