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I looked at the pregnancy test in my hand.
I couldn't hide my smile, I took two more to be sure and they came back the same
We're having a baby I thought to myself. The timing felt right, and with the business everything was falling into place. Yeah, I guess I could have a baby right, gosh I almost can't believe it. Romani? A mommy? I hid the tests in my purse putting my bag in the top cabinet where he never checks.
I came out the bathroom, Keith put his phone down giving me his full attention as I crawled into the bed.
"What you smiling so hard for?" He grinned as he opened his arms and I layed in them.
"Keith." I looked at him.
He hummed in response looking down at me.
"Have you ever thought of starting a family?"
"I mean i thought about it, but I was waiting for you." He poked my stomach jokingly.
"Stop that." I swatted his hands.
"What would you want first?"
"Is that even a question, definitely a boy. And imma drip him out just like his dad" He laughed as he popped his collar.
"I don't know I kind of want a girl."
Keith stale faced me.
"Babe, Be fucking forreal. Keep that negativity over there."
"What do you mean, wouldn't it be nice to have a mini me?"
"I mean yeah you're aight."
"Bye." I pushed him off of me and he pulled me back into his arms pecking all over my face.
"Gimme kiss." He pouted jokingly. I rolled my eyes before kissing his lips. I pulled away taking in his features. Damn, I really love this man.
Me and Keith met at a private party event. Being the queenpin I am people are always trying to assassinate me. He was my head bodyguard for the night. When I first met him I Infact laughed. When you see bodyguards they're usually really big and muscular, but Keith was tall and slim. I really underestimated him till I saw him fight for me one day, someone had tried to kill me in my own home. The fact he didn't weigh heavy like the other guards meant he was quick, and I'd never seen speed like it. After my home invasion. He stayed here with me. One night turned into two years and now we're here.
I snapped out of my trance at him clickling his fingers in my face.
"Babe, I-" my phone rang I checked it seeing it was Toddy my brother. I declined it wanting to tell Keith the good news but he called back. I sighed answering it.
"What roddy?"
"Mani where are you right now?"
"I'm at home why?"
"You gotta come to the trap, and bring that Keith nigga witchu."
"Rod Don't call him that." Ever since me and Keith got together, Roddy has had a vendetta against him, I mean he is an overprotective brother but I am 21 years old, I'm grown now. He's 23 It's just getting over the top.
I know when our father died, he left the business for me to distribute and carry on the legacy but to be fair I didn't want to be in the drug game, I wanted to do other things with my life without having to look behind my back.
"Roddy do I have to come down there is this an emergency-"
"Mani get yo ass down here." He gritted as the call ended. I rolled my eyes. As I got out of bed.
"Wassup with you."
"Roddy telling me to ride down by the trap, he told me to bring you."
His brows thurrowed.
"If he don't fuck with me, why does he suddenly need me." He scoffed. I pouted.
"Bae come on he's just, Roddy. You know how he gets." I mumbled.
"Mhm whatever." He waved me off going into the bathroom.
"WAIT." I yelled as I ran infront of him blocking his entrance.
He raised a brow.
"Bae you know I can literally pick you up right." He chuckled shaking his head. I'm glad he found this comical, yes I'm petite and he's 6'3 but I can put up a good fight.
"I- Keith. What do you need in this bathroom."
He stale faced me.
"Girl I gotta buss a shit before We go." I kissed my teeth moving him out the way. I rolled my eyes as he shut the door behind him. Suddenly I got nervous, I didn't want him to find the pregnancy test before I told him, but I think it's be alright.

Keith POV
I pulled up to the trap with Ro in the passenger seat. I saw her rubbing her stomach looking out the window.
"What's up you're stomach hurting." I asked as I rubbed her stomach for her.
"Nah I was just thinking. That's all." She looked down before grinning at me.
"Baby I need to tell you something."
"Yeah what's up." She grabbed my hand as I kissed it.
"Baby...when I was in the bathroom today I took-"
Tap tap
"open the fuck up" Rodd said as he tapped on the window with the front of his gun.

Romani POV
"Man what the fuck rodd." I mugged him as I rolled down the window.
"Keith imma give you one chance what the fuck did you do man." He pulled Keith by the collar of his shirt and punched him dead in the face making him let go. I blinked and they were fully fighting outside the trap. I got out my side of the car trying to break it up, but these were two big ass men who weren't bout to stop for nothing.
I heard a tire screech round the corner as I saw a blacked out suv drive towards us. I squinted my eyes, trying to see who it was. The windows started to roll down my eyes widened.
"ISSA DRIVE BY!" I yelled as I ran to the car getting my gun. As I loaded.
They didn't pay attention to me, it was like they couldn't hear me as they kept fighting each other. It was like the next thing happened in slow motion.
The car got closer as the people inside got their guns out.
"GUYS GET DOWN!" I yelled as I started aiming.
The next couple of seconds happened in slow motion.
I managed to shoot one of the passenger people but just before I hit them, they shot Roddy. His body fell limp to the floor as the car drove off. I ran over to him pushing Keith out the way. He started coughing up blood as my heart started beating faster.
"Roddy? You good?" I asked as I put his head in my lap. He blinked a couple times before coughing again, his eyes started to roll to the back off his head.
"No please come on."
I heard the sirens wailing from a distance, they were coming and we had to get out of here.
"Call the ambulance, call somebody damn it." I yelled as I tried to save Roddy. Yeah we had our ups and downs but he was my brother, I can't do nun without him.
"Keith you know first aid do something please. Please just."
"Roddy stay with me....please."
Keith looked at his body guiltily.
He looked at me before pulling on his shirt.
"This is officer powers we have shots fired I repeat we have shots fired and 1 casualty we need backup and an ambulance right away." He spoke into his wire before looking at me.
I just stopped what I was doing and stared at him. Roddy was right the whole time. Keith was a pig. These whole 2 years I've known him as a bodyguard....he was a damn pig. It all makes sense now, him ending his phone calls before I entered the room. I wanted to give him his privacy but really he was on the phone reporting back to the police.
He tried to touch my arm.
"Romani i-" I snatched away from him.
"Get the fuck away from me." My heart shattered as a new set of tears cascaded down my face, I took off my promise ring throwing it at him. I didn't know what to do as I pulled at my hair, god how could I be so stupid. And now because I didn't want to listen to my older brother, he's paying the price for it. He really knows best, he always has.
"Keith what the fuck have you done." I whispered as I froze at my brothers now still body.
"You don't know what you've started." I looked him dead in his eyes, rage filled my entire body like venom, I wanted to shoot him on the spot, baby daddy or not. But I had to be smart. The police sirens started to come closer as I savoured the last few moments, I had with Roddy.
"Roddy I love you okay, I ain't gon eva forget you aight big bro. You was the fucking best. say hi to mom and dad." I whispered a  quick prayer as I closed rods eyes.
Keith spoke up.
"Romani you gotta get out of here, the police are already on the block. Here take my keys."
I thurrowed my brows as I looked down at him.
Who's side is he on. I didn't want to take the car. I didn't want anything to do with him, but I needed to get out of here.
I snatched them out of his hand, I heard him say something to me but by that time I had already slammed the car door shut. I drove away, without looking back.
I'll go away for now, until everything blows over, but when I come back. I'm gonna pay him a visit.

Keith POV
"Romani I'm-"
She slammed the car door shut before I managed to finish my sentence.
"I'm sorry." I said more to myself, I watched her drive away making sure she wasn't spotted, then turned my attention to the cop cars pulling up.
"Good job powers, we've been working this case for years." Detective Redd patted my back.
"Yeah." I mumbled looking at Roddys lifeless body. That's why he was trying to kill me, he knew I was a police officer, but how.

Detective Redd dropped me back to the station later on that day and now I was on the way back to my house in an Uber. Romani had my car, I won't sweat it though. She can have it I'll just get a new one.
I thought about today, how she kept trying to tell me something.
"Baby I took a-" her phone rang distracting her from what she was about to say
"Keith Have you ever thought of starting a family? I always wanted a little girl."
I watched her rub her stomach
"What's wrong is your stomach hurting?"
"Nah I'm just thinking."


Shes pregnant.

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